Čtvrtek, 25. dubna 2024

EuropeAid - ISPA – Technická pomoc a dohled nad zakázkami ISPA na čištění odpadních vod v Galati

EuropeAid - ISPA – Technická pomoc a dohled nad zakázkami ISPA na čištění odpadních vod v Galati
* Referenční číslo CzechTrade: 
* Stav tendru: 
výzva k předkvalifikaci  
* Financování: 
EuropeAid - ISPA  
* Země: 
* Datum uzávěrky:  
* Zdroj informace:  
S 54 
* Obor dle celního sazebníku:
S000000 Blíže neurčeno - Služby

Anotace tendru:

Popis zakázky:
Technická pomoc jak CFCU, tak i konečnému příjemci, S.C. Apa Canal S.A. Galati, poskytovateli služeb v oblasti zásobování pitnou vodou a čištěním odpadních vod v Galati, včetně:
1. přehodnocení a aktualizace zadávací dokumentace zakázek na stavební práce, zahrnující vylepšení provozních kapacit zajišťování pitné vody (Žlutá kniha FIDIC);
2. dozor nad 3 zakázkami na stavební práce: Nová ČOV a záchytná kanalizace (Žlutá kniha FIDIC), vylepšení provozních kapacit zajišťování pitné vody (Žlutá kniha FIDIC) a modernizace vodovodů pro pitnou vodu a kanalizační sítě odpadních vod (Červená kniha FIDIC);
3. řízení a technická pomoc s veřejnou zakázkou a podpora konečnému příjemci ve vyhovění podmínkám příloh Finančního memoranda: vypracování modelů sítí; snižování unikání vody a strategie řízení; strategie na snižování prosakování; plán na řízení aktiv; akční plán pro průmyslové odpadní vody; strategie na řízení odpadních kalů apod.;
4. prosazování opatření ISPA;
5. přehodnocení a aktualizace existujícího generálního plánu a příprava žádosti Kohezního fondu pro fázi 2 opatření a vypracování zadávací dokumentace pro Kohezní fond.

Popis tendru (Angličtina):

RO-Bucharest: ISPA — technical assistance and supervision for the ISPA wastewater contracts in Galati

Location: Galati, Romania

Service procurement notice
1.Publication reference:
Financing Memorandum ISPA 2004/RO/16/P/PE/005.
5.Contracting authority:
Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU), Ministry for Public Finance, 44 Mircea Voda Blvd, Bucharest 3, Romania. Tel. (40-21) 326 55 55-521. Fax (40-21) 326 87 30/326 87 09. Contact person: Mrs Nicoleta Cataonu, Project Manager.

Contract specification

6.Nature of contract:
7.Contract description:
Technical assistance to both CFCU and final beneficiary, S.C. Apa Canal S.A. Galati, water and wastewater service provider in Galati, including:
1. review and update tender documents for works contract covering operating improvements to the potable water service (FIDIC Yellow Book);
2. supervision of 3 works contracts: new WWTP and interceptor sewer (FIDIC Yellow Book), operating improvements to the potable water service (FIDIC Yellow Book) and rehabilitation of water and sewerage networks (FIDIC Red Book);
3. management and technical assistance for public procurement and support to the final beneficiary in meeting conditions attached to the Financing Memorandum: development of network models; leakage reduction and control strategy; infiltration reduction strategy; asset management plan; industrial wastewater action plan; sludge management strategy; etc.;
4. publicity for the ISPA measure;
5. review and update of the existing master plan and preparation of Cohesion Fund application for stage 2 of the measure and development of tender dossiers for the Cohesion Funds.
8.Numbers and titles of lots:
Not applicable.
9.Maximum budget:
EUR 4 580 000.
10.Scope for additional services:
The consultant may be required to provide additional services that may arise during the implementation of the ISPA measure according to the requirements of the contracting authority.

Conditions of participation

Participation is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons of the EU Member States, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, and Turkey.
All eligible natural and legal persons (as per point 11 above) or groupings of such persons (consortia) may apply.
A consortium may be a permanent, legally-established grouping or a grouping which has been constituted informally for a specific tender procedure. All members of a consortium (i.e. the leader and all other partners) are jointly and severally liable to the contracting authority.
The participation of an ineligible natural or legal person (as per point 11) will result in the automatic exclusion of that person. In particular, if that ineligible person belongs to a consortium, the whole consortium will be excluded.
13.Number of applications:
No more than one application can be submitted by a natural or legal person (including legal persons within the same legal group), whatever the form of participation (as an individual legal entity or as leader or partner of a consortium submitting an application). In the event that a natural or legal person (including legal persons within the same legal group) submits more than one application, all applications in which that person (and legal persons within the same legal group) has participated will be excluded.
14.Shortlist alliances prohibited:
Any tenders received from tenderers comprising firms other than those mentioned in the shortlisted application forms will be excluded from this restricted tender procedure. Shortlisted candidates may not form alliances or subcontract to each other for the contract in question.
15.Grounds for exclusion:
As part of the application form, candidates must submit a statement to the effect that they are not in any of the exclusion situations listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures financed from the general budget of the European Communities in the context of external actions (available from the following Internet address: http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/index_en.htm).
Note: The documentary evidence proving the statement is required only from the successful tenderer.
Subcontracting is allowed in this tender. The value of the subcontracted part of the services may not exceed 30 % of the contract value.
17.Number of candidates to be shortlisted:
On the basis of the applications received, at least 4 and at most 8 candidates will be invited to submit detailed tenders for this contract.

Provisional timetable

18.Provisional date of invitation to tender:
June 2006.
19.Provisional commencement date of the contract:
August 2006.
20.Initial period of execution and possible extension of the contract:
The contract duration is 48 months.

Selection and award criteria

21.Selection criteria:
The following selection criteria will be applied to candidates. In the case of applications submitted by a consortium, these selection criteria will be applied to the consortium as a whole:
1) Economic and financial standing of candidate (based on item 3 of the application form):
(a) The average annual turnover of the candidate (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) must exceed EUR 3 000 000, over the last 3 years for which the accounts have been closed.
(b) The average annual operating profit of the candidate (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) over the last 3 years for which the accounts have been closed must be positive.
For providing the financial data, the applicant shall use the table below instead of that in the application form under point 3:
Financial data (annual turnover (euro)/annual operating profit (euro) for years 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005);
Partner 2:
Financial data (annual turnover (euro)/annual operating profit (euro) for years 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005);
Insert the name of the candidate in the first column, adding/delete additional lines for partners as appropriate. If an individual candidate is submitting this application, the name of the candidate should be entered as `Leader` (and all other lines should be deleted).
For 2005: If annual accounts are not yet available for this year please provide your latest estimates, clearly identifying estimates in italics.
2) Professional capacity of candidate (based on items 4 and 5 of the application form):
(a) at least 20 persons of the permanent staff of the candidate are currently working in the fields related to this contract;
(b) the fields of specialisation of candidate (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) must cover those required for this contract, as described under point 7 above.
3) Technical capacity of candidate (based on points 5 and 6 of the application form) and the last 7 years` experience:
(a) the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) has completed at least 2 works supervision projects as the Engineer for the FIDIC Conditions of Contract or similar — with 1 being for a WWTP of minimum 200 000 population equivalent (P.E.), and 1 being for water distribution or sewer networks larger than 30 km during the past 7 years (1999–up to the application submission);
(b) the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) has completed at least 2 projects for detailed design — with 1 being for construction/rehabilitation of a water supply network and 1 being for a sewerage network, each with a minimum length of pipe renewed or rehabilitated of 30 km — during the past 7 years (1999–up to the application submission);
(c) the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) has completed at least 2 projects for preliminary design — with 1 being for construction/rehabilitation of a WWTP for a minimum 200 000 P.E. and 1 being for operating improvements to a potable water service for a community larger than 200 000 inhabitants — during the past 7 years (1999–up to the application submission);
(d) the candidate (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) has implemented at least 1 project including master plan, feasibility study, and financial analysis in water sector for a community larger than 200 000 inhabitants in the past 7 years (1999–up to the application submission);
(e) the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) has completed at least 1 GIS system or a hydraulic model (including calibration) in an urban environment during the past 7 years (1999–up to the application submission); if GIS system/hydraulic model is part of a larger project including other activities, the project may be ongoing, but the GIS system/hydraulic model has to be finalised by the date of application submission;
(f) the applicant (individual company or leader of the JV/consortium) has completed at least 1 international (outside his country of origin) project in the water sector within the past 7 years (1999–up to the application submission).
In case the number of applications meeting all these criteria exceeds 8, these applications will be ranked following the number of compliant references for point 21.3a, consequently there will be retained on the shortlist the first-ranked 8 applicants.
In case of competition between 2 applicants having the same number of relevant projects, the total value of the consultancy service carried out by the consultant will prevail.
1. The application must retain data (financial and staff figures) from the last 3 years (2002, 2003 and 2004) though annual reports will be those of the company not the calendar year.
2. The amount to be specified by the applicant under point 6 `Experience` of the application form column `Overall project value (EUR)`, is the overall value of the consultancy services carried out by the consultant. N.B. be careful to define the costs of your part of the project.
3. In the box `Detailed description of the project` of the application form, the applicant shall describe the project in which it has been involved, its scope and magnitude (e.g. the investment objectives it has designed, supervised, such as DWTP, WWTP, etc.), scale in terms of cost, lengths or P.E. for WWTP, member for inhabitants for M.P., F.S. and F.A.
4. In the box `Type of services provided` of the application form, the applicant shall describe the main specific activities the consultant was directly responsible for (e.g. preliminary or detailed design supervision, assistance to the beneficiary, etc.).
5. The last 7 years means from January 1999 to the date of application.
6. The projects presented as references should have been finalised within the last 7 years as they are defined above. Projects which are ongoing will not be taken into consideration (exception: criterion 21.3.e).
22.Award criteria:
As specified in the tender dossier annexed to the letter of invitation to tender, which will be sent to shortlisted candidates.


23.Deadline for applications:
24.4.2006 (16:00), local time.
Arty application received after this deadline will not be considered.
24.Application format and details to be provided:
Applications must be submitted using the standard application form (available from the following Internet address: http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/index_en.htm), whose format and instructions must be strictly observed.
Any application which does not observe these provisions will be automatically eliminated.
Any additional documentation (brochure, letter, etc) sent with an application will not be taken into consideration.
25.How applications may be submitted:
Applications must be submitted in English exclusively to the contracting authority:
— either by recorded delivery (official postal service) to:
Central Finance and Contracts Unit, Ministry of Public Finance, 44 Mircea Voda Blvd, Entrance B, Bucharest 3, Romania. Tel. (40-21) 326 55 55-521. Fax (40-21) 326 87 30/(40-21) 326 87 09. Contact person: Mrs Nicoleta Catanou, Project Manager,
— or hand-delivered (including courier services) directly to the contracting authority in return for a signed and dated receipt to:
Central Finance and Contracts Unit, Ministry of Public Finance, 44 Mircea Voda Blvd, Entrance B, Bucharest 3, Romania. Tel. (40-21) 326 55 55-521. Fax (40-21) 326 87 30/(40-21) 326 87 09. Contact person: Mrs Nicoleta Catanou, Project Manager.
The contract title and the publication reference (see point 1 above) must be clearly marked on the envelope containing the application and must always be mentioned in all subsequent correspondence with the contracting authority.
Applications submitted by any other means will not be considered.
26.Operational language:
All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.
27.Additional information:
Companies that were involved in the preparation of the ISPA application are not eligible for this project due to a possible conflict of interest.
28.Date of publication of contract forecast:
29.Legal basis:
Council Regulation (EC) No 1267/1999 of 21.6.1999, as amended by the Council Regulation (EC) No 2500/2001 of 17.12.2001 and the Council Regulation (EC) No 769/2004. ISPA Financing Memorandum 2004/RO/16/P/PE/005.


Pro získání bližších informací se obraťte na
* Kontakt:
Pavel Talafús
odborný pracovník, specialista CzechTrade

Tel.: 420224907543
Fax: 420224913813
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