Čtvrtek, 25. dubna 2024

Phare – Rehabilitace průmyslové oblasti Priboiu-Branešti a vypracování atraktivní podnikatelské infrastruktury k zlepšení socioekonomického a environmentálního prostředí

Phare – Rehabilitace průmyslové oblasti Priboiu-Branešti a vypracování atraktivní podnikatelské infrastruktury k zlepšení socioekonomického a environmentálního prostředí
* Referenční číslo CzechTrade: 
* Stav tendru: 
vypsaný tendr  
* Financování: 
EuropeAid - PHARE  
* Země: 
* Datum uzávěrky:  
* Zdroj informace:  
S 226 
* Obor dle celního sazebníku:
S000000 Blíže neurčeno - Služby

Anotace tendru:

Popis zakázky:
Projekt zahrnuje vybudování průmyslového parku prostřednictvím rehabilitace starého vojenského prostoru. Hlavní navrhované práce jsou následující:
— celkový oplocený prostor průmyslového parku Priboju – 314 256 m2,
— oplocení v délce – 2 290 m,
— přístupové brány o délce – 23 m.
Existující budovy:
— existující budovy určené k demolici – 1 120 m2,
— existující budovy, které mají být konsolidovány a upraveny nebo rozšířeny – 3 919 m2,
— další prostory, které se vytvoří po rozšíření existujících budov – 1 154 m2.
Nové budovy:
— nové skladovací budovy – 10 368 m2,
— nové budovy na železniční rampě – 1 728 m2,
— nové vodní nádrže a čerpací stanice na dodávku vody – 312 m2,
— nová budova pro zásobování vodou – 100 m2,
— nová stanice na řízení plynu – 20 m2,
— nová budova pro zásobování energií – 150 m2,
Cesty, parkování, chodníky a zeleň:
— interní silnice a parkovací prostory – 39 000 m2,
— prostory pro chodníky – 8 450 m2,
— prostory pro zeleň – 2 00 m2,
— prostory pro silnice mimo ohrazení (včetně zpomalujících pruhů atd.) – 7 100 m2.
Železniční výhybka:
— obnova existující železniční výhybky – 210 m,
— nová železniční výhybka – 200 m.
Sítě veřejných služeb:
— kanalizační síť včetně čerpací stanice,
— čistička odpadních vod na 35 m3/den, kompaktní typ č. 1,
— odvod dešťové vody s čerpací stanicí a kalovou jímkou,
— vodovodní sítě na dodávku vody,
— vodní protipožární sítě včetně hydrantů a zavlažovačů,
— nízkonapěťové a středněnapěťové elektrické vedení,
— externí zdroje energie 20 kV.
Nabídky do tendru musí být předány do 2. 3. 2007. Nabídky musí být zpracovány v angličtině.

Popis tendru (Angličtina):

RO-Bucharest: Phare — rehabilitation of Priboiu-Branesti industrial area and development of an attractive business infrastructure in order to improve the economic-social and environment climate
Location: Dambovita County, Romania

Works procurement notice
1. Publication reference:
2. Procedure:
International open tender.
3. Programme:
Phare 2005.
4. Financing:
Phare 2005 Financing Memorandum RO 2005/017-553.
5. Contracting authority:
Ministry of European Integration, 12 Libertatii Avenue, 040129 Bucharest 5, Romania. Tel. (40-21) 311 41 86. Fax (40-21) 311 41 95.

Contract specifications

6. Description of the contract:
The project consists of the execution of an industrial park through the rehabilitation of an old military unit area. The main proposed works are:
— total fenced area of the Industrial Park Priboju — 314 256 m2,
— fencing length — 2 290 m,
— access gates length — 23 m.
Existing buildings:
— existing buildings to be demolished — 1 120 m2,
— existing buildings to be consolidated and rearranged or enlarged — 3 919 m2,
— additional space created by extension of existing buildings — 1 154 m2.
New buildings:
— new storage buildings — 10 368 m2,
— new buildings at railway ramp — 1 728 m2,
— new water tank and pump stations for water supply — 312 m2,
— new building for water supply treatment plant — 100 m2,
— new building gas control station — 20 m2,
— new building for power supply unit — 150 m2.
Roads, parking, footways and greenery:
— internal roads and parking areas — 39 000 m2,
— sidewalk area — 8 450 m2,
— green areas — 2 00 m2,
— road area outside enclosure (including deceleration lanes, etc.) — 7 100 m2.
Railway siding:
— existing railway siding rehabilitation — 210 m,
— new railway siding — 200 m.
Utility networks:
— sewerage network including pump station,
— wastewater treatment plant for 35 m3/day, compact type No 1,
— rainwater drainage with pump station and sediment tank,
— water supply network pipeline,
— fire-fighting water network including hydrants and sprinklers,
— low- and medium-voltage power networks,
— 20 kV external power supply.
7. Number and titles of lots:
One lot.

Terms of participation

8. Eligibility and rules of origin:
Participation is open to all legal persons (participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers) of the Member States of the European Union or Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and Turkey. All materials, supplies and services must originate in 1 or more of these countries.
9. Grounds for exclusion:
Tenderers must submit a signed declaration, included in the tender form for a works contract, to the effect that they are not in any of the situations listed in point 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions.
In addition tenderers (either a sole tenderer or a partner in a joint venture/consortium) are not eligible to participate in the tender if they have been declared to be in serious breach of the contract by the contracting authority for failure to comply with their contractual obligations, in connection with an earlier procurement procedure or other grant award procedure financed by the Community budget.
10. Number of tenders:
Tenderers may submit only 1 tender per lot. Tenders for parts of a lot will not be considered. Any tenderer may state in its tender that it would offer a discount in the event that its tender is accepted. Tenderers may not submit a tender for a variant solution in addition to their tender for the works required in the tender dossier.
11. Tender guarantee:
Tenderers must provide a tender guarantee of EUR 110 000 when submitting their tender. This guarantee will be released to unsuccessful tenderers once the tender procedure has been completed and to the successful tenderer(s) in accordance with clause 18.6 from `Instruction to tenderers`.
12. Performance guarantee:
The successful tenderer will be asked to provide a performance guarantee of 10 % of the amount of the contract at the signing of the contract. This guarantee must be provided within 28 days after the contract enters into force. If the selected tenderer fails to provide such a guarantee within this period, the contract will be void and a new contract may be drawn up and sent to the tenderer which has submitted the second best admissible tender.
13. Information meeting and/or site visit:
One clarification meeting will be held on 18.1.2007 (11:00) local time at:
Dambovita County Council, address: 1, Piata Tricolorului Street, Targoviste, Dambovita County, Romania. Tel. (40-245) 21 23 03. Fax (40-245) 21 23 30.
In accordance with clause 7 from `Instruction to tenderers`, tenderers are strongly advised to inspect the site of works during period 15–18.1.2007.
For confirming participation, an information fax shall be sent to MEI at (40-21) 311 41 95.
14. Tender validity:
Tenders must remain valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for submission of tenders.
15. Period of implementation:
The time for completion of the works shall be 18 months from the commencement order. The defects notification period shall be 365 days.

Selection and award criteria

16. Selection criteria:
The minimum selection criteria (sub-clause 4, Volume 1 from tender dossier) for each tenderer are as follows:
1. He must be a registered firm or natural person capable of carrying out the specified works.
2. The tenderer (single tenderer, joint venture or consortium) must satisfy the minimum qualifications required below:
3. the average annual turnovers in the past 3 years must be at least equivalent to EUR 9 000 000;
4. the tenderer (single tenderer, joint venture or consortium) shall carry out at least 70 % of the contract works by his own resources, which means that he must have the equipment, materials, human and financial resources necessary to enable him to carry out this percentage of the contract (for the remaining 30 % he may have subcontractors, but they cannot be members in a joint venture/consortium for the purposes of the tender);
5. the tenderer (single tenderer, joint venture or consortium) must have access to sufficient credit and other financial facilities to cover the required cashflow for the duration of the contract. In any case, the amount of credit available must exceed the equivalent of EUR 2 200 000, must be provided by a recognised bank and must be designated specifically for the project;
6. if he is the lead member in a joint venture/consortium, he must have the ability to carry out at least 50 % of the contract works by his own means, as defined in sub-clause 4 Volume 1 — `Instructions to tenderers` from the tender dossier;
7. if he is another member in a joint venture/consortium (i.e. not the lead member) he must have the ability to carry out at least 10 % of the contract works by his own means, as defined in sub-clause 4 Volume 1 — `Instructions to tenderers` from the tender dossier;
8. the tenderer (sole tenderer or joint venture/consortium) must have successfully completed at least 2 projects of the same nature/amount/complexity comparable to the works concerned by the tender over the last 5 years. Copies of the respective taking-over or final acceptance certificates signed by the supervisors/contracting authority/employer of the projects concerned, or sworn statements by contracting authorities duly notarised must be included in the tender;
9. all his key personnel must have at least 8 years` appropriate experience and proven qualifications relevant to works of a similar nature to this project.
Tenders submitted by companies in memberships forming a joint venture/consortium must also fulfil the following requirements:
— the tender must include all the information required by sub-clause 4.1 for each member of the joint venture/consortium and the summary data for execution of works by the tenderer. Forms, 4.6.3, 4.6.5, 4.6.8 and 4.6.9 shall be submitted in the name of the joint venture/consortium and shall be signed by all partners,
— the tender must be signed in a way that legally binds all members. See Form 4.6.5 in Volume 1, Section 4 of the tender documents.
— one member must be appointed lead member and that appointment confirmed by submission of powers of attorney signed by legally-empowered signatories representing all the individual members,
— the tender must include a preliminary agreement or letter of intent stating that all members assume joint and several liability for the execution of the contract, that the lead member is authorised to bind, and receive instructions for and on behalf of all members, individually and collectively, and that the lead member is responsible for execution of the contract, including payments,
— all members in the joint venture/consortium are bound to remain in the joint venture/consortium for the whole execution period of the contract.
17. Award criteria:
The Evaluation Committee shall select the tenderer whose tender has been determined to meet the administrative and technical criteria, and has offered the lowest price.


18. How to obtain the tender dossier:
The tender dossier is available from the Ministry of European Integration, 12 Libertatii Avenue, 4th floor, room 409a. Tel. (40-21) 311 41 86/311 41 89-1955, in 5 days from receipt of EUR 1 000, which excludes courier delivery.
Payment for the tender documents should be transferred into the bank account specified below:
Bank account: RO 71 ABNA 4100 251100001648.
Account holder: Ministry of European Integration.
Bank name: ABN AMRO Bank Bucuresti.
Bank address: 2 Expozitiei Boulevard, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, PO Box 25-11.
The tender dossier is also available for inspection at the premises of the contracting authority, address as in point 5 above. Tenders must be submitted using the standard tender form included in the tender dossier, whose format and instructions must be strictly observed.
Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to:
Ministry of European Integration, 12 Libertatii Avenue, 040129 Bucharest 5, Romania. Fax (40-21) 311 41 95,
(mentioning the publication reference shown in point 1) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders given in point 19. The contracting authority must reply to all tenderers` questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications to the tender dossier will be published on the EuropeAid web site at
19. Deadline for submission of tenders:
Tenders must be received at the latest on 2.3.2007 (12:00) local time at the following address:
Ministry of European Integration, 12 Libertatii Avenue, 4th floor, room 409a, Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania. Registration desk: Tel. (40-21) 311 41 86,
by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or hand-delivered against receipt signed by an authorised representative.
Any tender received after this deadline will not be considered.
20. Tender opening session:
The public opening session will take place on 2.3.2007 (14:00) local time at the Ministry of European Integration at the address specified under point 19.
21. Language of the procedure:
All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.
22. Legal basis:
Council Regulation (EEC) No 3906/89 of 18.12.1989 on economic aid to certain countries of central and eastern Europe as amended on 17.12.2001 through the Council Regulation (EC) No 2500/2001 concerning pre-accession financial assistance for Turkey and as amended on 21.4.2004 through the Council Regulation (EC) No 769/2004.


Kontaktní informace:
* Kontakt:
Pavel Talafús
odborný pracovník, specialista CzechTrade

Tel.: 420224907543
Fax: 420224913813
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