On the trail of a killer: Eleven years after Berta Cáceres' murder is there new hope for justice?

1. dubna 2024 8:18


The Honduran Indigenous and environmental leader was shot in 2016 for her opposition to an internationally financed dam, but despite violence and threats, the net is closing on the murder's alleged mastermindPhotographs by Fritz PinnowAlmost exactly 11 years ago Berta Cáceres led a group of local activists to block a road, halting trucks carrying building materials for the Agua Zarca hydroelectric dam in Ri?o Blanco. It marked the start of a fierce fightback by the Indigenous Lenca people against the energy company Desarrollos Energéticos (Desa) in Honduras.More than a decade later, only rusty razor wire and rotting fences remain on the former construction site. A shipping container that served as Desa's central office is now used by farmers to store corn. After international funding was pulled, the company was forced to halt operations indefinitely in 2018.A shipping container that was once an office and rusting razor wire on the former dam construction site Continue reading...


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