A radical British politics rooted in nature is spreading - and the establishment doesn't like it | John Harris

21. dubna 2024 14:18


From right to roam to anger over polluted rivers, a new breed of activists is pushing back against environmental destructionSomething very interesting is happening in the UK, to do with nature, the expanses of land we think of as the countryside, and where all those things sit in our collective consciousness. The change has probably been quietly afoot for 20 or 30 years. Now, it suddenly seems to be blurring over from the cultural sphere into our politics, with one obvious consequence - the belated entry into the national conversation of issues that have long been pushed to the margins, from land access and ownership to the shocking condition of our rivers.The prevailing British attitude to nature has long been in an equally messed-up state. From the 1600s onwards, endless enclosure acts pushed people off the land and seeded the idea of the countryside as somewhere largely out of bounds. Britain's rapid industrialisation only accelerated the process. And despite occasional cultural and political tilts in the opposite direction - the bucolic visions of the 18th- and 19th-century Romantics, the mass trespass movement of the 1930s - most of us now show the signs of that long story of loss and estrangement. Continue reading...


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