Country diary: Cherry blossom has given way to apple blossom | Virginia Spiers

16. května 2024 9:48


St Dominic, Tamar Valley: Few insects are about, but we hope the variable and staggered blossoming times will help pollinationIn this cool, damp May, greenery washes across the land, clouding memories of wintry mud and rain. Along the lanes near home, fresh leaves of woody growth on flailed hedge banks merge with bluebells, stitchwort and an array of unfurling ferns - lady, male, buckler and scaly male. These are succeeded by soft shield, hart's-tongue, and the latest to emerge - the hard fern, reminiscent of pale green fish skeletons.In the orchard of local and historic fruit varieties - planted, maintained and documented by my brother-in-law and sister - the froth of cherry blossom has faded among the orange-tinged leaves of tall trees, whose broad trunks are encrusted in lichens. James and Mary are uncertain as to whether it has been pollinated yet, but are encouraged to find fruit on the Morwellham and grey cattern pears. Continue reading...


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