Pátek, 26. dubna 2024

ISPA – Technická pomoc při posilování programové kapacity Ministerstva životního prostředí a vodní správy

ISPA – Technická pomoc při posilování programové kapacity Ministerstva životního prostředí a vodní správy
* Referenční číslo CzechTrade: 
* Stav tendru: 
výzva k předkvalifikaci  
* Financování: 
EuropeAid - ISPA  
* Země: 
* Datum uzávěrky:  
* Zdroj informace:  
S 56 
* Obor dle celního sazebníku:
S000000 Blíže neurčeno - Služby
Anotace tendru:

Celkovým cílem tohoto projektu je posílit institucionální kapacitu MEWM tak, aby se dosáhlo rozumného celkového programování a monitorování projektů spolufinancovaných z EU v Rumunsku a účinného a smysluplného využití zpřístupněných fondů. Konkrétní činnosti zahrnuté do této technické pomoci jsou následující:
Podpora MEWM programovými činnostmi:
Příprava strategických dokumentů pro oblast životního prostředí:
Konzultant musí zanalyzovat rumunskou legislativu, strategie, plány a příslušné směrnice EU pro sektor životního prostředí a po shromáždění nejdůležitějších informací připraví souhrnné strategické dokumenty se vztahem k následujícím sektorům životního prostředí: voda a odpadní voda, tuhý odpad, kvalita ovzduší a ochrana přírody. Strategické dokumenty budou navrženy jako podklady pro snadnou referenci pracovníků MEWM s cílem zkontrolovat soulad navrhovaných projektů s příslušnými strategiemi.
Zajištění pomoci pro plánování a hodnocení projektu:
Konzultant připraví metodologický návod pro plánování a hodnocení projektu v následujících sektorech péče o životní prostředí: voda a odpadní voda, tuhý odpad, kvalita ovzduší a ochrana přírody. Tohoto průvodce využijí odborníci MEWM zapojení do plánování a hodnocení projektu.
Podpora pracovníků MEWM při posuzování projektů zaměřených na životní prostředí:
Konzultant poskytne pracovníkům MEWM podporu ke schválení nejméně 8 projektových přihlášek, jež budou navrženy ke schválení pro Kohezní fond, a vydá hodnotící zprávy pro každý z projektů. Projekty se budou týkat hlavních investic do oborů vodní správy, odpadní vody a integrovaného tuhého odpadu.
Podpora pracovníků MEWM pro zlepšení schopností pro monitorování projektu:
Zajištění pomoci pro činnosti monitorování projektů:
Konzultant musí připravit návrh metodologie pro monitorování projektu založené na „případových studiích“ vybraných z každého z následujících sektorů životního prostředí: voda/odpadní voda, tuhý odpad, kvalita ovzduší a ochrana přírody.
Zajištění pomoci při hodnocení studií týkajících se životního prostředí (v souvislosti se schválenými projekty ISPA):
Konzultant musí vyvinout pomoc a kontrolní seznamy pro několik typických studií o životním prostředí, jako jsou plány správy ochrany životního prostředí, analýza průmyslové odpadní vody a strategie likvidace kalu.
Hodnocení potřeb školení:
Konzultant provede hodnocení potřeb školení a zajistí krátkodobý plán školení pro pracovníky MEWM zapojené do činností se vztahem k programování a monitorování projektů infrastruktury životního prostředí.
Doručení školení:
Na základě programu školení konzultant dodá konkrétní školení vedoucím a provozním pracovníkům, včetně školení v práci i školicích kurzů dle definovaných modulů.

Popis tendru (Angličtina):

RO-Bucharest: ISPA — technical assistance for strengthening the programming capacity of the Ministry of Environment and Water Management (MEWM)

Service procurement notice
1.Publication reference:
ISPA — Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession.
Financing Memorandum 2003 RO 16 P PA 013.
5.Contracting authority:
Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU), Ministry of Public Finance, 44 Mircea Vodă Blvd, B Entrance, Bucharest 3, Romania. Tel. (40-21) 326 55 55, switchboard. Fax (40-21) 326 87 09/(40-21) 326 87 30.

Contract specification

6.Nature of contract:
7.Contract description:
The overall objective of this project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the MEWM in order to achieve a sound overall programming and monitoring of the EU co-financed projects in Romania and the efficient and effective use of the funds made available. The specific activities included in this technical assistance are the following:
7.1. Support the MEWM with programming activities:
7.1.1. Preparation of strategic papers for environment field:
The consultant will analyse the Romanian legislation, strategies, plans and the relevant EU Directives for the environmental sector and, by compiling the most relevant information, will prepare summary strategic papers related to the following environmental sectors: water and wastewater, solid waste, air quality and nature protection. The strategic papers will be designed as easy reference documents for the MEWM staff, with the view to check compliance of project proposals with relevant strategies.
7.1.2. Provide guidance for project planning and evaluation:
The consultant will prepare a methodological guideline for project planning and evaluation in the following environmental sectors: water and wastewater, solid waste, air quality and nature protection. This guideline will be used by the MEWM experts involved in project planning and evaluation.
7.1.3. Support the MEWM staff in appraising environmental projects:
The consultant will support the MEWM staff to appraise minimum 8 project applications to be proposed for Cohesion Fund approval and will issue assessment reports for each of the projects. The projects will concern major investments in water, wastewater and integrated solid waste management fields.
7.2. Support the MEWM staff to improve the project monitoring skills:
7.2.1. Provide guidance for project monitoring activities:
The consultant will prepare an outline methodology for project monitoring, based on `case studies` selected from each of the following environmental sectors: water/wastewater, solid waste, air quality and nature protection.
7.2.2. Provide guidance in evaluation of environmental studies (linked to approved ISPA projects):
The consultant will develop guidelines and checklists for several typical environmental studies such as environmental management plans, industrial wastewater analysis and sludge disposal strategies.
7.3. Training:
7.3.1. Training needs assessment:
The consultant will undertake a training needs assessment and will set-up a short-term training plan for the MEWM staff involved in activities related to programming and monitoring of environmental infrastructure projects.
7.3.2. Delivery of training:
Based on the training programme, the consultant will deliver specific training to management and operational staff, including both on-the-job training and training courses per defined modules.
8.Numbers and titles of lots:
Not applicable.
9.Maximum budget:
EUR 900 000.
10.Scope for additional services:
Not applicable.

Conditions of participation

Participation is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons of the Member States, Phare countries Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and the SAP countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia and Montenegro).
All eligible natural and legal persons (as per point 11 above) or groupings of such persons (consortia) may apply.
A consortium may be a permanent, legally-established grouping or a grouping which has been constituted informally for a specific tender procedure. All members of a consortium (i.e. the leader and all other partners) are jointly and severally liable to the contracting authority.
The participation of an ineligible natural or legal person (as per point 11) will result in the automatic exclusion of that person. In particular, if that ineligible person belongs to a consortium, the whole consortium will be excluded.
13.Number of applications:
No more than 1 application can be submitted by a natural or legal person (including legal persons within the same legal group), whatever the form of participation (as an individual legal entity or as leader or partner of a consortium submitting an application). In the event that a natural and legal person (including legal persons within the same legal group) submits more than one application, all applications in which that person (and legal persons within the same legal group) has participated will be excluded.
14.Shortlist alliances prohibited:
Any tenders received from tenderers comprising firms other than those mentioned in the shortlisted application forms will be excluded from this restricted tender procedure. Shortlisted candidates may not form alliances or subcontract to each other for the contract in question.
15.Grounds for exclusion:
As part of the application form, candidates must submit a statement to the effect that they are not in any of the exclusion situations listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures financed from the general budget of the European Communities in the context of external actions (available from the following Internet address: http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/index_en.htm). Note that the documentary evidence proving the statement is required only from the successful tenderer.
Subcontracting will be allowed for a maximum percentage of 30 % of the contract value.
17.Number of candidates to be shortlisted:
On the basis of the applications received, at least 4 and at most 8 candidates will be invited to submit detailed tenders for this contract.

Provisional timetable

18.Provisional date of invitation to tender:
June 2006.
19.Provisional commencement date of the contract:
July 2006.
20.Initial period of execution and possible extension of the contract:
The initial contract duration is 14 calendar months.

Selection and award criteria

21.Selection criteria:
The following selection criteria will be applied to candidates. In the case of applications submitted by a consortium, these selection criteria will be applied to the consortium as a whole.
1) Economic and financial standing of candidate (based on item 3 of the application form):
(a) the average annual turnover of the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) over the previous 3 years (2002, 2003 and 2004) must exceed EUR 1 000 000;
(b) the average annual operating profit of the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) over the previous 3 years (2002, 2003 and 2004) must be positive.
For providing the financial data, the applicant shall use the table below instead of that in the application form:
Financial data:
(annual turnover (euro)/annual operating profit (euro) for years 2002, 2003 and 2004);
Partner 2:
Financial data:
(annual turnover (euro)/annual operating profit (euro) for years 2002, 2003 and 2004);
Insert the name of the candidate in the first column, adding/deleting additional lines for partners as appropriate. If this application is being submitted by an individual candidate, the name of the candidate should be entered as `Leader` (and all other lines should be deleted).
2) Professional capacity of candidate(s) (based on item 4 of the application form):
(a) at least 10 persons of all permanent staff of the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) currently working in fields related to this contract (as described under point 7 contract description above);
(b) fields of specialization of candidate (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) must cover those required for this contract (as described at point 7 — contract description).
3) Technical capacity of candidate (based on items 5 and 6 of the application form):
(a) the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) has completed during the past 7 years (1999–to the date of submission of application) at least 1 project for preparation of strategies and planning documents, at regional level, for a minimum population of 300 000 inhabitants, in 1 of the following environmental sectors: water and wastewater or solid waste;
(b) the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) has completed during the past 7 years (1999–to the date of submission of application) at least 2 projects related to the preparation for application for funds and/or appraisal of investment projects in the water/wastewater sector;
(c) the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) has completed during the past 7 years (1999–to the date of submission of application) at least 1 project related to the preparation for application for funds and/or appraisal of investment projects in the solid waste management sector;
(d) the applicant (individual company or JV/consortium altogether) has completed during the past 7 years, at least 1 international project of institutional strengthening in the environmental field, including specific activities similar to those mentioned under point 7.3.2, having a share of participation (proportion of services carried out by the candidate) amounting to at least EUR 200 000.
Supplementary criterion:
If more than 8 eligible candidates meet the above selection criteria, the relative strengths and weaknesses of the applications of these candidates must be re-examined to identify the 8 best applications for the tender procedure. The only factors which will be taken into consideration during this re-examination are:
a) the number of relevant reference projects provided by each eligible candidate of similar nature (valid and suitable for meeting the selection criteria 3d);
b) in case of competition between 2 applicants having the same number of relevant projects, their values/amounts will prevail taking into consideration their share of involvement (proportion of services carried out by the candidate), as identified by the shortlist panel.
1. The application must retain data (financial and staff figures from the last 3 years — 2002, 2003, 2004).
2. The amount to be specified by the applicant under point 6 `Experience` of the application form, column `Overall project value (EUR)`, is the overall value of the consultancy services carried out by the consultant.
3. The amount to be specified by the applicant under point 6 `Experience` of the application form, column `Proportion carried out by the consultant (EUR)`, is the overall value of the consultancy services carried out by the candidate in the present tender.
4. In the box `Detailed description of the project` of the application form, the applicant shall describe the project in which he was involved, its scope and magnitude.
5. In the box `Type of services provided` of the application form, the applicant shall describe the main specific activities for which the consultant was directly responsible.
6. Projects ongoing at the time of submission of applications will not be taken into account.
22.Award criteria:
As specified in the tender dossier annexed to the letter of invitation to tender that will be sent to shortlisted candidates.


23.Deadline for applications:
27.4.2006 (16:00), local time.
Any application received after this deadline will not be considered.
24.Application format and details to be provided:
Applications must be submitted using the standard application form (available from the following Internet address: http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/tender/index_en.htm), whose format and instructions must be strictly observed. Any application which does not observe these provisions will be automatically eliminated. Any additional documentation (brochure, letter etc) sent with an application will not be taken into consideration.
25.How applications may be submitted:
Applications must be submitted in English exclusively to the contracting authority:
— either by recorded delivery (official postal service) to:
Central Finance and Contracts Unit within the Ministry of Public Finance, 44 Mircea Voda Blvd, B Entrance, Bucharest 3, Romania. Tel. (40-21) 326 55 55 (switchboard). Fax (40-21) 326 87 09/(40 21) 326 87 30. Contact person: Ana Maria Bacalu, Project Officer,
— or hand-delivered (including courier services) directly to the contracting authority in return for a signed and dated receipt to:
Central Finance and Contracts Unit within the Ministry of Public Finance, 44 Mircea Voda Blvd, B Entrance, Bucharest 3, Romania. Tel. (40-21) 326 55 55 (switchboard). Fax (40-21) 326 87 09/(40 21) 326 87 30. Contact person: Ana Maria Bacalu, Project Officer.
The contract title and the publication reference (see item 1 above) must be clearly marked on the envelope containing the application and must always be mentioned in all subsequent correspondence with the contracting authority.
Applications submitted by any other means will not be considered.
26.Operational language:
All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.
27.Additional information:
Not applicable.
28.Date of publication of contract forecast:
29.Legal basis:
Council Regulation (EEC) No 3906/89 of 18.12.1989 on economic aid to certain countries of central and eastern Europe, as amended on 17.12.2001 through the Council Regulation (EC) No 2500/2001 concerning pre-accession assistance for Turkey and as amended on 21.4.2004 through the Council Regulation (EC) No 769/2004.
ISPA Financing Memorandum 2003 RO 16 P PA 013.


Pro získání bližších informací se obraťte na
* Kontakt:
Pavel Talafús
odborný pracovník, specialista CzechTrade

Tel.: 420224907543
Fax: 420224913813
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