The Guardian view on the Sahel and its crises: the west can still make a difference | Editorial

23. dubna 2024 20:48


The region is turning towards Russia and other global players when it comes to security. Tackling the climate crisis would contribute to a solutionTwo apparently separate developments in the Sahel are linked by more than geography. Last week, the US confirmed that it will withdraw more than 1,000 troops from Niger after the military junta revoked a security pact - just six years after a new $110m military base opened. Meanwhile, a record heatwave is the latest deadly extreme weather event.The US had hoped to maintain the military agreement despite last summer's coup, part of a wave of military power grabs across the central Sahel and the wider region. French troops had already been expelled, with France earlier withdrawing from Mali and Burkina Faso. Mali's regime also ordered an end to the UN stabilisation mission. Western departures come alongside the growing presence of Russian mercenaries, including the Wagner group. Continue reading...


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