Úterý, 22. října 2024

Inovativní řešení pro měření vhlkosti v oblasti zpracování odpadů a energetice

Inovativní řešení pro měření vhlkosti v oblasti zpracování odpadů a energetice

PopisFrancouzská společnost hledá nové technologie pro měření vlhkosti v rámci jejich procesů (energetiky, odpady). Spolupráce může probíhat formou odkupu licence na výrobu zařízení; technickou či komerční spoluprací.

POD Reference TRFR20140417001

French company active in energy and environment sectors is looking for innovative solutions to measure moisture in its operation processes. It's a challenge to optimise the processes in energy sector and in biological waste treatment. Collaboration is sought for license agreements, technical cooperation, commercial agreement with tecnical assistance or services agreement.

In many of the company's activities, matrice humidity is a key parameter for the management of the operations. For example, in the energy sector, the water content of the fuel is a parameter used in the regulations of some manufacturers to manage the settings of a biomass boiler. But it is also essential for verifying if the measured LCV (Lower Calorific Value) of the fuel delivered is compliant with that ordered. For biological treatment of waste, moisture determines the proper operation of equipment such as screens or presses and especially the smooth operation process of organic matter degradation (compost).
As quality of measurement (speed and accuracy) is a key parameter for the optimization of its activities, the company is looking for innovative solutions.

The company seeks partners for license agreements, technical cooperation, commercial agreement with tecnical assistance or services agreement.

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought
Company seeks innovative solutions to measure intrinsic moisture either online or on a flow of matrices with high organic content (biofuels, household waste, biogas digestate ...).

Stage of Development Already on the market

Comments Regarding Stage of Development
Looking for fully functional solutions but open to solutions in their demonstration stage.

IPR status Granted patent or patent application essential

Type and Role of Partner Sought
Partner will submit its solution by June 9, 2014.
After technical assesment, the selected solutions have the opportunity to present their solution to key decision makers and initiate business discussion.

Type and Size of Partner Sought R&D Institution
SME <10
SME 11-50
SME 51-250

Type of Partnership Considered Commercial agreement with technical assistance
License agreement
Services agreement
Technical cooperation agreement

Sdílet článek na sociálních sítích


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