Čtvrtek, 24. října 2024

New public consultations on proposals for harmonised classification and labelling for two pesticides/biocides and a plasticiser

New public consultations on proposals for harmonised classification and labelling for two pesticides/biocides and a plasticiser

ECHA invites the parties concerned to comment on three new proposals for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH): tebuconazole, imazalil and diisohexyl phthalate (DIHP). The 45-day public consultation will end on 21 September for DIHP and on 5 October for tebuconazole and imazalil. The CLH reports and the dedicated webform for posting comments are available on the ECHA website.

Helsinki, 21 August 2012 -ECHA's Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) will consider the comments received during the public consultation when developing its opinion on the CLH proposal. The European Commission takes into account the RAC opinion when it decides whether the proposal for harmonised classification and labelling is accepted and if so, the substance is added to the list of hazardous substances for which harmonised classification and labelling has been established (Annex VI, part 3 of the CLP Regulation).

Parties concerned are invited to identify themselves and register through a comments webform during the public consultations on the CLH proposals. On a case-by-case basis, ECHA may request registered parties to provide additional information and/or participate in additional targeted consultations that may occur after the public consultation. Therefore it is important for parties concerned to identify themselves, even in situations where they do not intend to provide comments on the CLH proposal that is open for public consultation.

Table 1. The proposed classification and labelling for harmonisation and examples of uses of the substances.

Substance name EC number CAS number Proposed harmonised classification and labelling Examples of uses*




Acute toxicity,
Hazardous to the aquatic environment





Acute toxicity,
Hazardous to the aquatic environment

Post-harvest use on fruits

Diisohexyl phthalate (DIHP)



Reproductive toxicity

Plasticiser, lubricant in steering fluid

* Please note that information on uses does not impact the classification and labelling, which is solely based on the intrinsic properties of a substance. Examples of uses are copied from the CLH report.

Further information

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