Čtvrtek, 24. října 2024


The Exhibition
The Exhibition, all the years, managed to score the most considerable firms in the sectors of Photovoltaic and R.E.S. Its progress, every year, brings the Fair in the first place in Greece, as the Key - Exhibition for Photovoltaic Systems and Renewable Energy Sources.
In 2008 the Exhibition ENERGY - PHOTOVOLTAIC , has been internationally established as the biggest and most successful in Greece.
In 2009 with 170 exhibitors, from 15 countries and approximately 17.000 visitors, was the professional meeting place for many and successful deals and for better professional contacts between exhibitors and visitors.
In 2010 with 230 exhibitors, from 15 countries and more than 20.000 visitors, the Exhibition ENERGY-PHOTOLTAIC become the biggest international exhibition on photovoltaic system in Greece .
In 2011 with more than 250 exhibitors and 22.000 visitors, the Exhibition ENERGY-PHOTOVOLTAIC remains on the top of the business interest .
The Exhibition ENERGY PHOTOVOLTAIC, with it´s annual success, is the platform for gainful co-operations, giving to the exhibitors the advantage of promoting their products and services in an excellent organization.
Today the International exhibition
o is the most well known and successful Greek fair in Greece and Europe for the Photovoltaic systems and Renewable Energy Sources
o the exhibitors and visitors know that it constitutes the professional place for successful business contacts.
The exhibition, every year have the Auspices of the Ministry of Environment Energy and Climate Change and the Ministry of Environment , Physical Planning and Publics Works and the support of: German Embassy, CRES, German-Greek Chamber of Commerce & Industry, B2B RENENERGY, SEE EU, EPIA (European Photovoltaic Industry Association), the European Parliament and European Commission (cabinet Greece), Italian Association of Photovoltaic Companies, Taiwan Photovoltaic Association and China New Energy Chamber of Commerce.

The Exhibitors
With its successful course the International Exhibition Energy - Photovoltaic , reflects its progress in the developping market of Photovoltaic and R.E.S. in Greece.
The most exhibitors belong to the group of the "big players" in the Greek and International energy market.
The quality and the big number of visitors, as well as the high level of competition, offers to the exhibitors and visitors the excellent opportunity to have successful deals and to develop new and dynamic deals.
In the Exhibition will participate producers, representatives and companies dealing with solar and wind energy, materials and elements, solar systems, wind generators,
as well as with geothermal, biomass and hydroelectricity.
Also, companies of marketing, installations, consulting, energy saving and eco build.

PV Parks Installations
Solar energy
PV Systems Installations
Wind Energy
PV Systems (Modules -Solar Cells)
Thermal solar systems
Geothermal Energy Systems
Charge Controllers
Mounting Systems
Power fuel cells Natural Gas
Solar tracking systems
Saving energy systems
Connection boxes
Installations & Energy
Cables and component parts
Production from R.E.S.
Monitoring Systems
Management energy systems
Architectural Planning
Bioclimatic construction of energy efficient buildings
Smart buildings
Building Energy Management Systems (B.E.M.S.)
Eco-building materials
A/C Systems from R.E.S.
Green energy and Natural Gas

The Visitors
The visitors of the exhibition are, every year, many thousands from Greece and abroad that invest, apply and use PV systems and Renewable Energy Sources. The visitors comes from Greece, USA, Germany, China, Spain, Canada, Italy, Bulgaria, Austria, Czech Rep., The Netherlands, Belgium, India, Cyprus, Switzerland, France, Canada, Turkey, UK, Russia, Malta.
The visitors of the Exhibition deals with:

Investments in R.E.S.
Production of Energy from PV, and Wind Parks, Geothermics, Biomass and Hydroelectricity
Management and saving energy
Consulting and installations
Technical and construction companies
Cooling and heating from R.E.S
Electromechanical material and Automatisms
Instruments and equipment for energy production
Local Government Agencies, Public Social Sectors
Executives from: Industries - Shipping, Enterprises - Hotels - Hospitals
Architects - Engineers - Electricians -Mechanical engineers - Geologists
Enterprises of rural sector
Remaining categories

Promotion Program
The International Exhibition ENERGY PHOTOVOLTAIC is supported by a very strong promotional program as follow:
PRESS: Well known magazines in Greece and in Europe
TV & RADIO: TV and Radio Spots before and during the Exhibition
OUTDOOR PROMOTION: Road´s Promotional Banners, Printed Invitations
to the market
BUSINESS SITES: In Greece and abroad
MASSIVE MAILING: Electronic Media in Greece and abroad.
The media partner for the Czech republic exhibition is www.EnviWeb.cz.

ZDROJ: www.leaderexpo.gr

Sdílet článek na sociálních sítích


Asekol - zpětný odběr vysloužilého elektrozařízení
Ekolamp - zpětný odběr světelných zdrojů
ELEKTROWIN - kolektivní systém svetelné zdroje, elektronická zařízení
EKO-KOM - systém sběru a recyklace obalových odpadů
INISOFT - software pro odpady a životní prostředí
ELKOPLAST CZ, s.r.o. - česká rodinná výrobní společnost která působí především v oblasti odpadového hospodářství a hospodaření s vodou
NEVAJGLUJ a.s. - kolektivní systém pro plnění povinností pro tabákové výrobky s filtry a filtry uváděné na trh pro použití v kombinaci s tabákovými výrobky
E.ON Energy Globe oceňuje projekty a nápady, které pomáhají šetřit přírodu a energii
Ukliďme Česko - dobrovolnické úklidy
Kam s ním? - snadné a rychlé vyhledání míst ve vašem okolí, kde se můžete legálně zbavit nechtěných věcí a odpadů