Neděle, 8. září 2024

Hledáme - Vývoj a výroby fotovoltaických systém; jejich hybridizace s mikroturbínami

Hledáme - Vývoj a výroby fotovoltaických systém; jejich hybridizace s mikroturbínami

PopisIsraelská energetická společnost vyvíjejíc solární systémy hledá partnera pro pokračování vývojových aktivit na třech prototypech nových mikroturbín, které byly již částečně odkzkoušeny.
Tyto mikroturbín ve spojení s fotovoltaickými panely umožňují kontinuální výrobu elektřiny, horké vody, chlazení a pitné vody. Toto řešení je zejména zajímavé pro oblasti bez inženýrských sítí.
Společnost hledá partnery s volnými kapacitami pro výrobu a monátáž prototypů.

An Israeli solar energy company is looking for a partner for the continuation of development activities of three prototypes of a new microturbine already designed and partially tested. This micro turbine with the company´s new photovoltaic solar systems will allow to provide continuous electricity, hot water, refrigeration and drinking water. This package is particularly attractive for off grid areas. Partners with the capabilities of manufacturing and assembling the prototypes are sought.

Description: The Israeli company is an Israeli start up initiated by two small Israeli companies. The company has developed a new concept of photovoltaic system which has to be less expensive than all other systems using panels from China. The idea is to use a low concentration of sunlight, varying from five to ten according to the hour of the day, and ordinary silicone solar cells. The sun concentration is obtained by a film Fresnel lens bonded on the internal upper face of a glass tube. The cells are bonded on a heat sink dissipating a large portion of the heat outside and leading to a relatively low temperature of the cells. The tubular glass is hermetically closed at its two extremities, avoiding entry of moisture or dust. Moreover, a very simple mechanism allows the rotating of the tubes to track the sun on the East-West direction and assure self-cleaning of the glass. The PV system will work in parallel with a micro turbine delivering between 20 to 200 kW and burning gas, fuel or all kind of biofuel. The advantage is to provide continuous energy with minimum investment.

Technical Specifications / Specific technical requirements: The different elements of the micro turbine, compressor, burning chamber, turbine and heat exchanger have already been designed and tested separately. Next step consists of manufacturing three prototypes, assembling and testing them. Israeli company desires to partner with industrial partners with the capabilities of manufacturing and assembling the prototypes Current and Potential Domain of

Application: Global applications for solar systems, micro turbines, and particularly areas where connections to electricity grids are poor or non-existent.

Type and Role of Partner Sought: - Type of partner sought: Industrial - Specific area of activity of the partner: Energy - Task to be performed by the partner sought: Development activities of three prototypes of a new microturbine already designed and partially tested.
Type of Partnership Considered: Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Technical cooperation agreement

Ref: 12 IL 80EP 3O22


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