How Emma transformed a dilapidated shed into a home office with recycled materials and biowaste

5. dubna 2024 16:18


With no more than $10,000, a 'junk heap' was made over using salvaged cedar panels, secondhand doors and insulation made from wheat strawChange by Degrees offers life hacks and sustainable living tips each Saturday to help reduce your household's carbon footprintGot a question or tip for reducing household emissions? Email us at changebydegrees@theguardian.comPlant stylist Emma Sadie Thomson looked every day at the unused shed outside the entrance to the home where she lived with her partner and their two young daughters in the Adelaide Hills. Could it be a better place to work than the kitchen table, where her children and housework provided constant distractions?"It was just a junk heap," says Thomson. "We never used it. I wanted somewhere to go, even if it's taking 20 steps, rather than sitting on the kitchen table." She decided to convert the shed into a studio. Aiming to spend no more than $10,000, Thomson opted for recycled materials for the windows, door, and wood exterior panelling.Sign up for Guardian Australia's free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup Continue reading...


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