As Thailand revels in Songkran water fights, tourist hub Samui suffers through drought

12. dubna 2024 15:48


The resort island is facing days without running water, even as the country celebrates new year with water fightsAcross Thailand, people are getting ready to take to the streets for a giant water fight to mark the new year. Roads will be lined with vendors selling water pistols, businesses will put out buckets of icy water for refills and no passersby is safe.What began as a tradition of the Songkran festival to sprinkle water on the hands of elders, in a symbol of cleansing and reverence to mark the new year, has evolved into huge water fights that draw tourists from across the world.But on the tourist resort island of Samui, the water fights and celebrations bely a long running problem: the island is parched. Residents say taps can stop running for days,causing disruption to businesses and daily life. Continue reading...


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