The truth about Asian hornets: how terrified should humans and honeybees actually be?

23. května 2024 7:33


Ever since this 'killer' species arrived in the UK in 2016, there have been horror stories about it - and they have picked up pace in recent months. So are these hornets nasty predators or just misunderstood?Can a single insect reshape history? A queen hornet from the Vespa velutina species, which is believed to have stowed away in Chinese pottery, could make that claim. She was shipped to the port of Bordeaux in 2004. Having already mated with multiple males, she flew off into the sunshine of south-west France and built a nest. From that single nest, up to 500 new queens emerged. For a few years, her offspring quietly prospered. By the time the authorities paid attention to this predatory yellow-legged carnivore, known as the Asian hornet, it was too late. Twenty years on, France is home to an estimated 500,000 nests, while the hornet has cruised into Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands - and the UK.Ever since the first Asian hornet turned up in Tetbury, Gloucestershire, in 2016, there have been horror stories about this "killer", a "nasty" predator that decimates much-loved honeybees and may threaten human livelihoods and health. The stories have reached fever pitch recently: "UK Asian hornet hotspots mapped as killer species invades Britain" warned the Express on Tuesday. We love a good villain, especially a "foreign" one. But is this media scaremongering? How destructive is this recent European arrival? And will it become a permanent British resident this summer? Continue reading...


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