The livestock lobby is waging war on 'lab-grown meat'. This is why we can't let them win | George Monbiot

21. srpna 2024 9:03


These new proteins could be our best hope of averting catastrophe. But governments are trying to have them bannedFor many years, certain car manufacturers sought to obstruct the transition to electric vehicles. It's not hard to see why: when you have invested heavily in an existing technology, you want to extract every last drop before disinvesting. But devious as in some cases these efforts were, they seem almost innocent in comparison with the concerted programme by a legacy industry and its tame politicians to suppress a far more important switch: the essential transition away from livestock farming.Animal farming ranks alongside fossil fuel production as one of the two most destructive industries on Earth. It's not just the vast greenhouse gas emissions and the water and air pollution it causes. Even more important is the amount of land it requires. Land use is a crucial environmental metric, because every hectare we occupy is a hectare that cannot support wild ecosystems.George Monbiot is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...


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