'The water war': how drought threatens survival of Sicily's towns

13. prosince 2024 13:46


Amid Italian island's worst drought, towns such as Troina are fighting for survival as supplies run dry and tensions riseAn ancient Sicilian proverb goes like this: "When water to two fountains flows, one will stay dry - that's how it goes." The residents of the small town of Troina in the heart of Sicily, struck by a long and unprecedented drought, perhaps understand its meaning better than anyone else. When authorities decreed that the little water left in their dam should be shared with the villages of another province, they took action, and, on 30 November, occupied the distribution centre of the reservoir, blocking access."It's a war between the poor; we are aware of it," says Salvatore Giamblanco, 66, owner of a bed and breakfast in Troina. "But we had no other choice. The dam is drying up. We have difficulty finding water for ourselves. I had to cancel numerous reservations due to the lack of water. If we also have to share what little we have with other towns, we will all be left dry." Continue reading...


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