Weatherwatch: The need to wake up to sea level rise in the UK

3. ledna 2025 7:31


Policymakers and insurers act as if Britain's coastlines are fixed, but the waters are advancing faster than beforeThe increasing speed of sea level rise hardly seems to register with policymakers in Britain - even though with the UK weather getting more violent, destructive storm surges are increasingly likely. The future looks bleak for properties on fast-eroding cliffs and large areas of rich agricultural land on the east coast, already at or even below sea level.The evidence that things are rapidly getting worse is clear. Sea levels have risen 24cm (9in) (7ft 3in) since 1880 but the rise has accelerated from an average of 1.4mm a year in the 20th century to 3.6mm annually by 2015. Previous conservative estimates of sea level rise of 60cm by the end of this century now look very optimistic and on current emission levels will be 2.2 metres by 2100 and 3.9 metres 50 years after that. Continue reading...


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