Úterý, 22. října 2024

Nový způsob výroby vyztužených kompozitů s využitím odpadních materiálů

Nový způsob výroby vyztužených kompozitů s využitím odpadních materiálů

Italské vývojové centrum nabízí technologie pro využití obtížně odstranitelných odpadů jejich využitím v kompozitních materiálech. Toto centrum hledá firmy z oblasti pokročilých materiálů a recyklace se zájmem o licenci na tuto technologii a související technickou asistenci.

POD Reference: TOIT20140110001

An italian laboratory has developed a process and a system for realizing and reinforcing composite materials that allows to obtain a composite material using waste materials otherwise destined to a difficult disposal. It is looking for industrial partners in the field of advanced materials, polymers and recycling for license agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance.

In the composite materials field the use of mineral and inorganic reinforcements is common; they are used to provide to the finished material the desired workability, appearance and torque properties. It also helps to reduce their costs by limiting the use of the basic substances such as polymers.

The present invention concerns a process and a system for realizing composite materials, where glass powder is used as reinforcement of a polymeric matrix.

Glass particles must present a spherical shape in order to perfectly adhere to the polymeric matrix. Spherical shape also allows to maximize the reinforcement particles density on the charged material.

The spherical shape is normally obtained through mechanical processes; anyway these are long and obsolete and require raw materials having an high degree of pureness. Waste and polluted materials cannot be normally used.

Plasma treatment allows to use waste glassy materials as for example fluorescent lamps, neon pipes, WEEE (Waste from Electric and Electronic Equipment) in general, and the like. Plasma treatment purifies the used glass, in particular if it is polluted by harmful substances that can be substantially eliminated.

The laboratory is looking for industrial partners in the field of advanced materials, polymers and recycling for license agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Advantages and Innovations:
Thanks to this invention, costs and amount of disposal will be reduced.
The quality of the so obtained composite is comparable to those composites normally obtained, but it is cheaper and helps waste materials recovery, just like WEEE (Waste from Electric and Electronic Equipment)
Stage of Development: Under development/lab tested
IPR status: Patents granted

Type and Role of Partner Sought:
The laboratory is looking for industrial partners in the field of advanced materials, polymers and recycling for license agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Type of Partnership Considered: Commercial agreement with technical assistance
License agreement

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