Sobota, 25. ledna 2025

Wärtsilä's energy efficient propulsion system selected by Indonesian owner for world's first ever CNG carrier

Wärtsilä's energy efficient propulsion system selected by Indonesian owner for world's first ever CNG carrier

Wärtsilä Corporation, Press release, 5 February 2015 at 10 am EET

The world's first ever carrier vessel for compressed natural gas (CNG) is to be powered by an integrated Wärtsilä propulsion system, chosen for its energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. The vessel is being built at the Jiangsu Hantong shipyard in China ordered by CIMC ENRIC and designed by CIMC ORIC for end user Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), the Indonesian state owned energy company. The order with Wärtsilä was placed during the fourth quarter, 2014.

The new vessel will feature a 9-cylinder Wärtsilä 34DF dual-fuel main engine operating primarily on gas. Wärtsilä will also supply the controlled pitch propeller and gearbox, all of which will be fully integrated so as to optimise the propulsion efficiency.

This will be the first dual-fuel powered vessel owned by an Indonesian ship owner. The Indonesian government's policy is to promote the utilisation of natural gas as a marine fuel because of its environmental advantages.

"This first ever CNG carrier to be built is indicative of the growing importance of natural gas as a fuel for both land based and marine applications. We are proud to have been selected to provide the propulsion system for this ship, which is designed with efficiency and sustainability as the main criteria," says Sanjay Verma, Area Sales Director, Wärtsilä Ship Power.

"We expect that this CNG carrier will be a model for other Indonesian owners as the government's policy is to promote energy efficient and cleaner sea transportation through the use of gas fuelled engines. Wärtsilä has always been at the forefront of making it possible for gas to be utilised as a marine fuel, and has tremendous experience and expertise in this area," says Mr Suryadi Mardjoeki, head of oil-based fuels and gas division, PLN.

The 110 metre long carrier is scheduled to be in operation in May 2016 and will transport CNG from Gresik in East Java to the Indonesian island of Lombok where the gas will be used to fuel a power plant.

Links to more information about:
Wärtsilä 34DF engine
Wärtsilä Controlled pitch propellers

Wärtsilä gears

Link to image
Caption: The world's first ever carrier vessel for compressed natural gas (CNG) is to be powered by an integrated Wärtsilä propulsion system, chosen for its energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Media contacts:

Mr Rahmat Faizal
Sales Manager, Indonesia
Wärtsilä Ship Power
Tel : +628111549522

Ms Marit Holmlund-Sund
Senior Manager Marketing, Communications, Ship Power
Wärtsilä Corporation
Tel:+358 107091439

Wärtsilä in brief
Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maximizes the environmental and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers. In 2014, Wärtsilä's net sales totalled EUR 4.8 billion with approximately 17,700 employees. The company has operations in more than 200 locations in nearly 70 countries around the world. Wärtsilä is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finland.


The world's first ever carrier vessel for compressed natural gas (CNG) is to be powered by an integrated Wärtsilä propulsion system, chosen for its energy efficiency and environmental sustainability

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