Středa, 23. října 2024

Let's Do It! Clean World News

In this newsletter you can read about our two heroic coordinators Elina and Mário, learn about the activities of our partner Surfrider Foundation, get to know more about the upcoming clean-up of the Let's Do It! Bucaramanga in Columbia, and read about the devastating earthquakes that hit Nepal. Additionally, we invite you to read about the progress made in Ljubljana, which is the first zero waste capital, and get introduced to the newly published United Nations Environmental Programme report of 2014.

Let's Do It! Clean World News

Moving People Towards Action -

a Probation Officer from Estonia and an Activist from S?o Tomé and Príncipe Inspire Countries to Become Clean

Photo: Mário Lopes is the new Let's Do It! coordinator for Portuguese-speaking African countries. Photo: private collection

Do you know where Estonia is located? How about the Democratic Republic of S?o Tomé and Príncipe? An honest "No!" is okay. After reading this article, you'll find out. You'll also learn why a busy young civic activist and a probation officer invest extra hours to volunteer for Let's Do It! World in the coordinators team. What moves them when they move others towards action? Read about the stories of our two amazing team members of Let's Do It! movement here.

Surfriders Go Cleaning the Oceans

Surfriders in action. Photo: Surfrider Foundation
In a world where time is money and money is time, getting people to part with either can be a challenge. Rarely more so than for organisations that rely on people's good will and generosity. This can mean that there is a degree of competition between different groups and associations, trying to pitch their activities above those of others in the same field. However, it is also invariably true that much more can be achieved by the same number of people if their resources are pooled or at least aligned. This was clearly demonstrated by the first Let's Do It! clean up of 2008 in Estonia, where strangers came together to do something fabulous. It has been seen again and again ever since in subsequent cleanups all over the globe and Let's Do It! World has worked to extend that same thinking to its engagement with like-minded organisations, knowing that together so much more can happen. One such organisation whose expertise and commitment helped boost LDIW projects is the California-based Surfrider Foundation. Read more about their activities here.

World Environment Day Will Be Celebrated With a Waste Cleanup in Bucaramanga and in Yopal, Colombia

The Let's Do It! clean-up in Columbia focuses on the environmental emergency caused by a landfill "El Carrasco". Photo: Let's Do It! Bucaramanga

On June 5th, which is also World Environment Day, the activists in Colombia intend to clean up the city of Bucaramanga and Yopal. The cleanup focuses on Bucaramanga's sanitary emergency, caused principally by a landfill called "El Carrasco" which receives 1000 tons of waste daily out of which 83% could be recycled and the leaders of Let's Do It! in Bucaramanga wish to use this landfill to draw attention to the waste problem. Read more about the upcoming clean-up in Columbia here.

Nepal Devastated by Earthquakes: Support the Rebuilding of the Country

People in Nepal are still frightened by the feeling that an earthquake may strike again, as more than 200 times aftershocks have hit. Photo: The Social Volunteers Groups for Earthquake Victims and Families in Nepal.

In April and May 2015 Nepal was hit by earthquakes that caused devastating damage in the country. According to the BBC News nearly 9,000 people died and many were left injured by the two major earthquakes which hit Nepal. The first was the biggest earthquake in the 82 years of Nepal's history with the magnitude of the earthquake about 7.9 in rector scales. Now in the aftermath of these tragic events, Nepal and its people are left to life in widespread ruins, and they face the immense task of rebuilding their homes, lives and the country. Read more about how to help the victims in Nepal here.

Ljubljana, the First Zero Waste Capital Is Saving Money and Creating Jobs With the Zero Waste Model

The Let's Do It! Mediterranean cleanup takes place on the 9 - 10th May. Come and join! Photo: Let's Do It! World

Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) published a new case study showing the impressive transition of Ljubljana towards zero waste. This case study proves that high recycling targets are not only feasible, they also save money and create jobs. The Slovenian capital is the first capital in Europe to declare the Zero Waste goal and today separately collects 61% of its municipal waste. Read more! Visit the web page of the Zero Waste Europe campaign to get more information.

Annual report of United Nations Environment Programme Published

"The saying 'waste not, want' not has been around for centuries, yet modern society has been slow to heed the words of its forebears. On average, we generate 1.2 kilogrammes of municipal solid waste per person per day and rising, according to the World Bank. The agriculture sector is little different: some 5 billion tonnes of waste agricultural biomass are generated every year. However, UNEP is working to turn this biomass, which is the thermal equivalent of 1.2 billion tonnes of oil, to more productive uses instead of leaving it to rot and produce methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming." Read more about how they plan to do it from here.

Upcoming events

05.06.2015 Colombia - Bucaramanga (Let's Do It! En Columbia)
19.06.2015 Bolivia - La Paz (Let's Do It! La Paz)
27.06.2015 Romania (Let's Do It! Danube)

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