Čtvrtek, 24. října 2024

ZenRobotics enters Japanese markets with multiple robotic waste sorting systems

ZenRobotics enters Japanese markets with multiple robotic waste sorting systems

ZenRobotics has appointed Sun Earth Co., based in Yokohama, Japan, as the distributor for their waste sorting systems in Japan. Several units will be delivered in late 2015 and will be the first of their kind in Japan.

Sun Earth Co. Ltd is a technology supplier for the Japanese waste management industry. Their search for next-generation waste sorting solutions brought them all the way to Finland."We want to offer our customers the most advanced technologies and the ZenRobotics Recycler is the best available technology in its field. The systems will be installed at various locations in Japan and they will be operated by forerunning Japanese waste management companies", says Mr. Yutaka Ebihara, Sun Earth CEO.

The ZenRobotics Recycler is the world's first robotic waste sorting system. Designed to reduce waste processing costs and increase recycling efficiency, the solution defines the next generation of recycling. The ZenRobotics Recycler reclaims multiple fractions simultaneously with the help of industrial robots and smart machine learning technology.

The market for robotic waste sorting in Japan is enormous. "The interest towards the ZenRobotics Recycler in Japan has been great", explains Mr. Rainer Rehn, ZenRobotics CCO. "A highly developed waste management industry and an interest towards robotics make and excellent base for robotic waste sorting in the market. We are truly excited to deliver our technology to Japan. With these orders our production slots for 2015 are nearly filled."

Zdroj: Zen Robotics

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