Sobota, 21. září 2024

Pohodlně a ekologicky - SIEMENS Viaggio

A comfortable ride is good - but a comfortable and economical ride is better. This maxim is confirmed by our passenger train coaches, with their ongoing low energy and maintenance costs, simple installation and maintenance, and high degree of adaptability to prevailing traffic volumes. Viaggio´s standardized concept means that our customers´ every requirement can be successfully fulfilled. This passenger train offers you the flexibility you need for economical operation in modern main-line traffic, with a range of products that includes everything from individual coaches to system solutions complete with locomotives

Pohodlně a ekologicky - SIEMENS Viaggio

Viaggio Comfort - premium passenger coaches

Traveling with Viaggio Comfort is the most pleasant way to get your passengers to their destination, quickly and comfortably. Seating arrangements, glass partition walls, and catering services reflect trend and style, while the trip flies by at maximum speeds of 230 to 250 kph. Top-quality fixtures - leather seats, satin glass, brushed metal, and accent lighting - create a pleasing ambience. The closed, extra-wide aisle is another comfort-plus factor, making it easier to move through the train and offering a uniform appearance. Wheelchair areas with elevators and accessible restrooms, play compartments for families, and designated quiet zones ensure that you can meet the needs of all your passengers.

Passengers of the Austrian State Railways (ÖBB) have enjoyed comfortable travel and, more significantly, the benefit of faster travel times in the Viaggio Comfort since the end of 2008. For example, the journey from Vienna to Salzburg is covered in just two hours and forty-five minutes.

Viaggio Classic - traveling in Europe and the UIC/RIC area

The Viaggio Classic system offers maximum flexibility for long-distance services by day or night - in Europe and the entire UIC/RIC area. The Viaggio Classic has day cars with either saloon or compartment configurations for 1st and 2nd class. Dining cars are also available, as well as couchette and sleeper cars. At a maximum speed of 200 kph, even long routes are covered rapidly. In addition, the UIC interfaces at the ends of the coaches provide mechanical, electrical, and pneumatic coupling with any other UIC/RIC vehicles.

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ZDROJ: Siemens

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