Big oil CEOs just lied before Congress. It's time they're held accountable | Jamie Henn

29. října 2021 19:00


The top oil executives claim they never approved a disinformation campaign. That is simply not trueFor the first time ever, the executives from four major oil companies and two of the industry's most powerful front groups testified before Congress about their decades-long effort to spread climate disinformation and block legislation that would reduce US dependence on fossil fuels.Republicans vehemently opposed the premise of Thursday's House oversight hearing. Yet within the first round of GOP questioning, led by one of the industry's staunchest defenders, ranking committee member James Comer of Kentucky, the executives inadvertently proved why they were summoned to testify under oath in the first place.Jamie Henn is the founder and director of Fossil Free Media, home of the Clean Creatives campaign, which is pressuring advertising and PR firms to stop working with the fossil fuel industry. Continue reading...


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