Those most vulnerable to the climate crisis must be at the heart of solutions | Letters

3. listopadu 2021 16:45


Disasters Emergency Committee charity leaders urge governments at Cop26 to reduce emissions, meet their commitments and protect at-risk communitiesThe climate crisis is a humanitarian crisis (Europe's record summer 'impossible' without global heating, 3 November). More frequent and intense extreme weather events, driven by our greenhouse gas emissions, mean more disasters for the world's most vulnerable people, especially those already facing conflict, displacement and hunger. Children, women, older people and people with disabilities are always the worst affected. The recent IPCC report warns that without immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in emissions, limiting global warming to 1.5C degrees will not be achieved. Every fraction of a degree will threaten more lives and livelihoods. As agencies dealing with humanitarian crises, we - the 15 charities that make up the Disasters Emergency Committee - stand ready to respond to these disasters alongside our local partners, and are helping people to adapt. However, we urge governments meeting at Cop26 to urgently reduce global emissions, meet their commitments to finance mitigation and adaptation measures to protect at-risk communities, and to address loss and damage that has already occurred or is unavoidable. As president of the summit, the UK government must ensure those most vulnerable to the climate crisis are at the heart of solutions and policies agreed. The risks of disaster must be lessened by increasing the resilience of these communities. But if we fail to prevent runaway global heating, the increasing number and severity of cyclones, droughts, floods and heatwaves could overwhelm our ability to respond, putting millions more lives in danger.Jean-Michel Grand Executive director, Action Against Hunger UKFrances Longley Chief executive officer, ActionAid UKChris Roles Managing director, Age InternationalMike Adamson Chief executive officer, British Red CrossChristine Allen Director, CafodLaurie Lee Chief executive, Care International UKAmanda Khozi Mukwashi Chief executive officer, Christian AidDanny Harvey Executive director, Concern Worldwide (UK)Laura Kyrke-Smith Executive director, International Rescue Committee UKTufail Hussain Executive director, Islamic ReliefDanny Sriskandarajah Chief executive officer, Oxfam GBRose Caldwell Chief executive officer, Plan International UKGwen Hines Chief executive officer, Save the Children UKNigel Harris Chief executive officer, TearfundMark Sheard Chief executive officer, World Vision UK Continue reading...


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