There is a way the Coalition can claim its climate policy is all about technology not taxes and still show it is serious about net zeroSupporters of fossil fuels in Australia's media and political classes have been gleefully echoing Greta Thunberg's claims that the Glasgow climate summit has been a failure. Yet both European and American politicians have been busily working on other plans to discipline climate change bludgers. These involve measures such as taxing carbon intensive goods imported from countries without equivalent emission control policies, and also choking off finance to high-polluting industries.The Morrison government's recently released long-term emissions reduction plan claims that it will protect us from such actions, stating the plan will "ensure Australian exporters are not targeted by trade action, and Australian businesses do not face cost of capital premiums". While Scott Morrison might be able to fool voters, there is little chance the US and European governments will fail to notice this is a plan to freeload off their hard work. Continue reading...
Scott Morrison could restore Australia's climate reputation as a lifter rather than a leaner with five steps | Tristan Edis
10. listopadu 2021 0:45
Zdroj: The Guardian