Around the world, around the clock: how we report on a world on fire

28. listopadu 2023 6:30


The Guardian's journalism shines a spotlight on the climate crisis and the damage being done to the natural world, holding governments and powerful interests to account - this is how we do itWhy the Guardian's climate and nature journalism is needed now more than everGuardian environment pledge 2023What impact does the Guardian have on the natural world?Support impactful environment journalism todayThe year 2023 will be remembered as a critical year in the escalating extinction, climate and nature emergencies - not least because it looks certain to be the hottest since records began. The Guardian's global team of environment reporters have covered the key events around the world, around the clock. So far this year, we have published more than 6,000 articles about the environment which have been read more than half a billion times.Here, we record how key pieces of journalism had real-world impact: changing minds and policies, and keeping the foremost challenge of our times firmly in the public eye. Here are some of the highlights: Continue reading...


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