To the world leaders at Cop28 we say: do not squander this chance to get back on track | Ban Ki-moon and Graça Machel

30. listopadu 2023 7:30


This year's summit in Dubai must be the moment when the developing world finally meets its climate crisis promisesBan Ki-moon and Graça Machel are deputy chairs of the global human rights organisation The EldersAfter a year marked by unparalleled global temperature highs and climate impacts, leaders are set to meet in Dubai for the 28th conference of the parties to the UN framework convention on climate change - Cop28. We have entered an unprecedented era of global heating: 2023 is near certain to be the hottest year on record.We have seen extreme wildfires blanketing North America, more than 15,000 killed by extreme weather events in Africa, record-breaking heatwaves in China, southern Europe and the United States, as well as deadly hurricanes and cyclones including Storm Daniel, which killed at least 10,000 people in Libya, Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria, and caused at least $20bn (?16bn) of damage. Ocean temperatures also soared to record-breaking highs, posing a critical threat to the health of coral reefs and causing widespread disruption to marine ecosystems.Graça Machel is a deputy chair of the global human rights organisation The Elders, and a women and children's rights advocate. Ban Ki-moon is a deputy chair of The Elders, co-chair of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, chair of the Global Center on Adaptation, and the 8th secretary general of the United Nations Continue reading...


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