On Australia's climate and extinction crises, the major parties both have questions to answer | Present Tense

27. května 2024 3:18


The Coalition has no climate policy. But Labor's positions are undermined by its confused stance on gas and the delay of new environmental lawsFollow our Australia news live blog for latest updatesGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastFederal parliament is back for the next fortnight and I have a wishlist. Not for things that will happen - let's not get ahead of ourselves - but for questions that could be addressed if the country is to treat the climate and extinction crises as seriously as our leaders claim they do.There is no shortage of discussion about nuclear energy due to the Coalition's much-hyped but yet-to-appear plan to overturn a national ban and bring it to Australia. The issue won plenty of attention after a CSIRO-led assessment that it would be far, far more expensive than wind and solar backed by energy storage and new transmission lines. Continue reading...


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