'We need other logics for our approach to nature': the woman uprooting colonialism in botany

2. června 2024 17:18


From plant names to notions of native species, many aspects of the natural world are shaped by empire. We need to decolonise, says the author of a new book - but not all experts agreeWhen Banu Subramaniam thinks about whether plants should be renamed so as not to honour white supremacist colonialists - Cecil Rhodes, for example, is commemorated in the names of 126 plant species - she contrasts it with how, for so many years in our patriarchal system, women were expected to change theirs. "That wasn't considered complicated? and yet those in power give any number of reasons why this is," says the professor of women's and gender studies at Wellesley College, outside Boston, Massachusetts.Subramaniam is the author of the provocative new book, Botany of Empire. The book challenges plant science to better see the ways in which it has been profoundly shaped by European colonialism and how imperial attitudes, theories and practices endure. Colonialism and colonial logic remains "sedimented at every level", argues Subramaniam, who also looks at what a more widespread and serious effort to "decolonise" might look like, even if such a project is never-ending. The book focuses on three subfields: taxonomy, plant reproductive biology and invasion biology (the science of the spread of introduced species). Continue reading...


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