The Guardian view on Trump's planet-wrecking plans: the UK government's resolve will be tested | Editorial

8. listopadu 2024 20:01


The new president's disruptive policies will challenge Sir Keir Starmer's green goals. But with strong leadership he could enhance Britain's global influenceDonald Trump's electoral earthquake in America will complicate Sir Keir Starmer's plans. Nowhere will the shock of Mr Trump's win be more intensely felt than in environmental policy. His stance on climate - advocating a US exit from the Paris climate agreement and rallying behind "drill baby drill" - is more disruptive than constructive. This should concentrate Sir Keir's mind as he heads to Cop29, the UN's annual climate summit, in Baku, Azerbaijan.At last year's conference, world leaders agreed to "transition away" from fossil fuels in a just and orderly manner for the first time. Mr Trump, however, dismisses the climate crisis as a hoax. With this year likely to be the hottest on record, the devastating effects of global heating are undeniable, as extreme weather batters the planet. Mr Trump may ignore the facts, but the trail of climate-related chaos and destruction speaks for itself.Do you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in our letters section, please click here. Continue reading...


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