Guardian investigation fuels class action lawsuit against petro giant

27. ledna 2025 17:46


Marathon Petroleum said a massive fire at its Louisiana refinery caused 'no offsite impacts'. Reporting by the Guardian and Forensic Architecture raised doubts about this claimThe huge US toxic fire shrouded in secrecy: 'I taste oil in my mouth'Oil giant Marathon Petroleum is fighting an expanded class action lawsuit fueled by an investigation by the Guardian and Forensic Architecture, which examined a massive toxic blaze at the company's sprawling refinery in south-west Louisiana in 2023.Parts of the oil refinery, the third largest in America, caught fire for over three days in August 2023 after a large storage tank containing the toxic and flammable hydrocarbon naphtha leaked for more than 13 hours unbeknownst to the predominantly Black low-income communities that surround the facility. Continue reading...


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