Weather tracker: Elvis shakes Madagascar after Europe's triple threat

31. ledna 2025 13:01


Low pressure strengthens to tropical cyclone status in Indian Ocean, while European windstorm season rages onA compact and stationary area of low pressure brought a sustained period of heavy rain to southern parts of Madagascar this week, with weather stations at Taolagnaro and Toliara recording five-day rainfall totals of 178mm and 196mm respectively, with a peak 24-hour total of 93mm at Toliara.This area of low pressure strengthened to tropical cyclone status on Tuesday and was given the name Elvis. Although southern Madagascar experienced gusty winds owing to the storm, Elvis's primary impacts on land were the result of the persistent rainfall. As of 9am on Thursday, Elvis contained maximum sustained winds of 40 knots and was tracking south-south-east, with no further effects on land expected before the storm undergoes extratropical transition by Sunday. Continue reading...


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