rekonstrukce systému vytápění, vodovodní a kanalizační sítě
Anotace tendru:
Část Ruské Federace „Surgutská oblast“ obdržela od Evropské banky pro rekonstrukci a rozvoj (EBRD) půjčku ve výši 700 mil. RUB a část prostředků hodlá použít na spolufinancování prioritního investičního programu do obecního vytápění, vodovodních a kanalizačních služeb v malých osídleních v Surgutské oblasti v rámci programu rozvoje služeb obecních služeb v Chanty-Mansijském autonomním okruhu. Prioritní investiční program v částce cca. 31 mil. EUR se bude týkat:
• Rehabilitace a zlepšení výkonu rozvoden centrálního vytápění, rekonstrukce kotelen a rehabilitace distribučních teplárenských sítí
• Výstavba a rekonstrukce a zvýšení výkonu čistících zařízení vod a vodovodních distribučních sítí
• Výstavba a rekonstrukce a zvýšení výkonu čistíren odpadních vod, čerpacích stanic a sběrné kanalizační sítě
• Zřízení integrované obecní společnosti pro správu projektu v Surgutské oblasti
(podobněji viz níže). Zájemci o účast v projektu (budoucích vypisovaných výběrových řízeních) mohou získat více informací na níže uvedené adrese.
Popis tendru (Angličtina):
Country:Russian Federation
Financing:European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Sector:Public Sector Management
Deadline:not specified
This is an update to the general procurement notice for this project published on the EBRD website on 10 July 2007.
Surgutsky Rayon has received a loan of 700 million RUB from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and it intends to apply the loan proceeds to co-finance a priority investment program in municipal district heating, water and wastewater services sectors in small settlements of the Surgutsky Rayon within the framework of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Municipal Services Development Programme.
The Priority Investment Program will concentrate on:
• Rehabilitation and upgrading of central heating substations, refurbishment of boiler houses and rehabilitation of district heating distribution networks with an objective to improve efficiency of services and optimise costs
• Construction and rehabilitation and upgrade of water treatment facilities and water distribution networks and other auxiliary investments
• Construction and rehabilitation and upgrade of wastewater treatment facilities, pumping stations and sewerage collection networks and mains and other auxiliary investments
• Establishment of the integrated municipal services company for the Surgutsky Rayon settlements and enhancement of its financial and operational performance through implementation of corporate development program
The proposed project, which has a total estimated cost of approximately € 31 million equivalent, will require the procurement of the following goods, works and services:
• Water Component:
--Water treatment plant construction
--Water treatment plan upgrade
The above contracts are to be tendered in Q4 2007. The contracts will be procured through open tendering procedure in accordance with EBRD’s Procurement Policies and Rules.
• Wastewater Component:
--Upgrade of wastewater treatment plant
--Construction of wastewater treatment plant
--Upgrade of wastewater pumping stations
--Construction of a collector
--Rehabilitation of collectors
The above contracts will be tendered in Q4 2007 and Q1 2008 and will be procured through open tendering procedure in accordance with EBRD’s Procurement Policies and Rules.
• District Heating Component:
--Upgrade of boiler houses
--Construction and upgrade of District Heating Network
The contract will be tendered in Q4 2007 and Q1 2008 and will be procured through open tendering procedure in accordance with EBRD’s Procurement Policies and Rules.
Contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the EBRD will be subject to its Procurement Policies and Rules and will be open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the EBRD loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law of official regulation of the purchaser’s country.
Interested suppliers, contractors and consultants should contact the address below.
The time period allocated to the interested parties to respond to this notice is governed by the initial date of publication on the EBRD Web site.
Contact:Mr. Alexey Novikov .
Yugra-Consulting .
37 Profsoyuzov Str. .
Surgut 628418 Russian Federation .
Tel: (7-3462) 524-211 .
Fax: (7-3462) 524-206 .
Notice Number:EBRD227-717/07
Kontaktní informace:
specialista pro projekty Světové Banky
Fax: 420224910164