Neděle, 28. dubna 2024

ISPA – Výstavba a obnova systémů pro dodávku pitné vody a hospodaření s odpadními vodami ve městě Karlovac

ISPA – Výstavba a obnova systémů pro dodávku pitné vody a hospodaření s odpadními vodami ve městě Karlovac
Referenční číslo CzechTrade: 
* Stav tendru: 
vypsaný tendr  
* Financování: 
EuropeAid - ISPA  
* Země: 
* Datum uzávěrky:  
* Zdroj informace:  
S 212 
* Obor dle celního sazebníku:
S009993 Stavební činnost - činnost ve stavebnictví

Anotace tendru:

Tato zakázka zahrnuje všechny nezbytné montáže a stavební práce týkající se systému pro dodávku pitné vody, jež budou spočívat v renovaci a čistění stávajících vodních studen v Mekušje a Borlin, renovaci vodní nádrže Borlin, výměně 9,5km potrubí v nejhorším stavu (skupina 6), a všechny nezbytné montáže a stavební práce na systému pro hospodaření s odpadními vodami, které budou spočívat ve výstavbě hlavních kanalizačních kolektorů, v průvrtech koryt řek, vrtech pod železnicí a budovami, výstavbě čerpacích stanic a sekundárních a terciárních kanalizací (integrováno do 5 skupin):
Skupina 1:
— hlavní přečerpávací stanice v Gradu,
— hlavní kolektor v Gradu (oddíl 3) včetně mikrotunelování pod řekou Korana,
— propojení hlavního jižního kolektoru s čističkou odpadních vod (ČOV).
Skupina 2:
— čerpací stanice pro přívalovou vodu v Gaze,
— odlehčování množství přívalové vody (oddíl 4) – mikrotunelování,
— přestavbová rekonstrukce stávajícího hlavního odlehčovacího kolektoru, jež má sloužit jako retenční kapacita pro přívalovou vodu (oddíl 16),
— demolice budovy starého PS Sanac (Gaza),
— odvodňování zbytkové vody z retenčního potrubí pro přívalovou vodu v PS Struga (oddíl 16),
— tlakové potrubí v Ulica Gornja Gaza (oddíl 15).
Skupina 3:
— čerpací stanice v Banija 2,
— kolektor Banija – Gaza (oddíl 1a), včetně průvrtů pod řekou Kupa,
— kolektor v Gaze (oddíly 7 a 7a),
— průvrty pro kolektory 1a a 7 pod budovou hasičského sboru,
— čerpací stanice Dreznik,
— hlavní kolektor Dreznik (oddíl 11), včetně průvrtů pod řekou Kupa.
Skupina 4:
— čerpací stanice v Banija 1,
— kolektor v Banije (oddíl 1b),
— kolektor PPK (oddíl 6),
— obnova stávající sítě (oddíl 13).
Skupina 5:
— čerpací stanice Mostanje,
— kolektor a kanalizační vedení Svarca (oddíly 2c, 2b, 2a-2), včetně průvrtů pod řekou Korana,
— čerpací stanice ve Svarca 1,
— kanalizace v Mala Svarca (oddíl 8).
Skupina 6:
— výměna 9,5km potrubí v nejhorším stavu,
— renovace a čistění stávajících vodních studen v Mekušje a Borlin,
— renovace vodní nádrže Borlin.
Lhůta pro podání nabídek:

2.2.2009 (12:00), místního času, na adrese: Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284 (Business centre Almeria, building C), 10000 Zagreb, Chorvatsko, v kanceláři recepce.
Jakákoliv nabídka obdržená po tomto termínu nebude brána v úvahu.
Veškerá písemná komunikace, která se vztahuje k tomuto výběrovému řízení a zakázce, musí být v angličtině.

Popis tendru (Angličtina):

HR-Zagreb: ISPA — construction and rehabilitation of water supply and wastewater systems in the town of Karlovac

Karlovačka County, Croatia

Works procurement notice

Publication reference:




ISPA 2005/HR/16/P/PE/001; Karlovac water and wastewater programme.

Contracting authority:

Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Katančićeva 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.

Contract specifications

Description of the contract:

This works contract includes all necessary installation and civil works for the water supply system comprising refurbishment and cleaning of the existing water wells at Mekušje and at Borlin, refurbishment of the Borlin reservoir, replacement of 9,5 km of pipes which are in the worst condition (group 6) and all necessary installation and civil works for the wastewater system comprising construction of the main collector sewers, holing-through rivers, drilling beneath railways and buildings, construction of pump stations and secondary and tertiary sewers (integrated in 5 groups):
Group 1:
— Grad main lift station,
— main Grad collector (Section 3) including micro-tunnelling beneath the Korana river,
— connection of the south main collector to the WWTP.
Group 2:
— Gaza storm water pumping station,
— storm water discharge Gaza (Section 4) — micro-tunnelling,
— reconstruction of the existing main discharge collector for use as storm water retention volume (Section 16),
— demolition of the building of the old PS Sanac (Gaza),
— draining PS Struga for rest water from the storm water retention pipe (Section 16),
— pressure pipe Ulica Gornja Gaza (Section 15).
Group 3:
— pumping station Banija 2,
— collector Banija — Gaza (Section 1a), including holing-through beneath the Kupa river,
— collector Gaza (Sections 7 and 7a),
— holing-through of the collectors 1a and 7 beneath the Fire Brigade building,
— pumping station Dreznik,
— main collector Dreznik (Section 11), including holing-through beneath the Kupa river.
Group 4:
— pumping station Banija 1,
— collector Banija (Section 1b),
— collector PPK (Section 6),
— rehabilitation of existing network (Section 13).
Group 5:
— pumping station Mostanje,
— collector and sewer lines Svarca (Sections 2c, 2b, 2a-2), including holing-through beneath the Korana river,
— pumping station Svarca 1,
— sewer Mala Svarca (Section 8).
Group 6:
— replacement of 9,5 km of pipes which are in the worst condition,
— refurbishment and cleaning of the existing water wells at Mekušje and at Borlin,
— refurbishment of the Borlin reservoir.

Number and titles of lots:

Not applicable.

Terms of participation

Eligibility and rules of origin:

Participation is open to all legal persons participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers which are established in a Member State of the European Union or in a country or territory of the regions covered and/or authorised by the specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is financed (see also heading 22 below). All works, supplies and services under this contract must originate in 1 or more of these countries. Participation is also open to international organisations. The participation of natural persons is directly governed by the specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is financed.
Since co-financing of this project is provided also by the EBRD, participation of third countries is authorised with regard to this project and in accordance with EBRD eligibility rules.

N.B. The extract of EBRD eligibility rules from the `Procurement Policies and Rules` document is available at the following website (

Grounds for exclusion:

Tenderers must submit a signed declaration, included in the tender form for a works contract, to the effect that they are not in any of the situations listed in point 2.3.3 of the `Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions`.

Number of tenders:

Tenderers may submit only 1 tender for the whole of the works. Tenders for parts of the works will not be considered. Any tenderer may state in its tender that it would offer a discount. Tenderers shall not submit a tender for a variant solution in addition to their tender for the works required in the tender dossier.

Tender guarantee:

Tenderers must provide a tender guarantee of EUR 350 000 when submitting their tender. This guarantee will be released to unsuccessful tenderers once the tender procedure has been completed and to the successful tenderer(s) upon signature of the contract by all parties.

Performance guarantee:

The successful tenderer will be asked to provide a performance guarantee of 10 % of the amount of the contract at the signing of the contract. This guarantee must be provided together with the return of the countersigned contract no later than 30 days after the tenderer receives the contract signed by the contracting authority. If the selected tenderer fails to provide such a guarantee within this period, the contract will be void and a new contract may be drawn up and sent to the tenderer which has submitted the second best admissible tender.

Information meeting and/or site visit:

A site visit for the wastewater part of the works will take place on 4.12.2008 in Karlovac. It is strongly recommended that interested tenderers attend this site visit. The site visit will start at 10:00, local time, at the following address:
Karlovac City Hall, Banjavčićeva 9, 47000 Karlovac, Croatia.
A site visit for the water supply part of the works will take place on 5.12.2008 in Karlovac. It is strongly recommended that interested tenderers attend this site visit. The site visit will start at 10:00 local time, at following address:
Karlovac City Hall, Banjavčićeva 9, 47000 Karlovac, Croatia.
A clarification meeting will be held on 5.12.2008 (14:30), local time, at the following address:
Karlovac City Hall, Banjavčićeva 9, 47000 Karlovac, Croatia.
The minutes of the clarification meeting will be submitted in writing or by e-mail to the tenderers.

Tender validity:

Tenders must remain valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for submission of tenders.

Period of implementation:

The time for completion of all the works shall be:
— 12 months from the commencement date for Section 1 of the works, which include groups 1, 2 and 3 of the works as defined under point 6 of this procurement notice,
— 14 months from the commencement date for Section 2 of the works, which include groups 4, 5 and 6 of the works as defined under point 6 of this procurement notice,
including winter and high flood periods.
Defect notification period will be 12 months commencing upon the issue of the taking over certificates.

Selection and award criteria

Selection criteria:

The minimum selection criteria for the sole tenderer include:
1. He must be a registered firm or natural person capable of carrying out the specified works.
2. The tenderer must have an annual turnover for each of the last 3 years (last 3 years should be understood as 2005, 2006 or 2007), equivalent to EUR 45 000 000.
3. The tenderer must have access to sufficient credit and other financial facilities to cover the required cash flow for the duration of the contract. In any case, the amount of credit available must exceed the equivalent of EUR 5 000 000.
4. The tenderer must carry out at least 70 % of the contract works by his own resources, which means that he must have the equipment, materials, human and financial resources necessary to enable him to carry out that percentage of the contracted works.
5. The tenderer must have as a prime contractor completed at least 3 projects (each project of minimum EUR 5 000 000 value) or 1 project with a minimum EUR 15 000 000 value in the period of 15 months, comprising all necessary installation and civil works for the construction of a main sewerage network and the laying of water supply lines, construction of pumping stations, storm water outflows, rehabilitation of wells and holing-through rivers over the last 5 years (last 5 years shall be understood as the period: 1.1.2004 up to deadline for submission of tenders).
The tenderer will have to provide the contracting authority with copies of the respective certificates of final acceptance signed by the concerned supervisors/contracting authority of the projects stating that the works were implemented successfully and within the deadline. However, for projects completed in the last 12 months, a copy of the provisional acceptance certificate will be considered as sufficient.
Every tenderer will have to provide the contracting authority with a table enumerating all projects to be implemented within the next 15 months and to specify the value and duration of each of them.
6. Tenderer`s key personnel (contractor`s representative/project manager, 6 site managers (for each group of the works according to clause 6), at least 10 main foremen (for each team as civil works, micro-tunnelling, mechanical works, electrical works) and 1 quality control expert) must have at least 7 years` of experience in relevant positions and in relevant works.
At least 1 surveying engineer who has at least 5 years of experience in mapping of sewer lines and preparing as-built drawings of sewer network and collector lines.
NB: The project will require 6 groups of works according to clause 6 and at least 10 teams to work in parallel in 2 shifts.
7. Tenderer`s key personnel (contractor`s representative/project manager, site manager for each group of the works, main foremen for each team, surveying engineer and quality control expert) must submit CVs and reference certificates with years of experience as required under point 6 above.
The joint venture/consortium as a whole (all members together) and the lead member must satisfy the following minimum qualifying criteria:
1. The joint venture/consortium must be a registered firm or natural person legally capable of carrying out the specified works.
2. The joint venture/consortium must have an annual turnover for each of the last 3 years (last 3 years should be understood as 2005, 2006 or 2007) equivalent to EUR 45 000 000 (lead member of a joint venture/consortium must have an annual turnover for each of the last 3 years equivalent to EUR 20 000 000).
3. The lead member of the joint venture/consortium must have access to sufficient credit and other financial facilities to cover the required cash flow for the duration of the contract. In any case, the total amount of credit available must exceed the equivalent of EUR 5 000 000.
4. The joint venture/consortium as a whole must carry out at least 70 % of the contract works by his own resources, which means that he must have the equipment, materials, human and financial resources necessary to enable him to carry out that percentage of the contracted works. The lead member of a joint venture/consortium, must have the ability to carry out at least 50 % of the contract works by his own means, as defined in sub-clause 4 of the instructions to tenderers. Another member of a joint venture/consortium (i.e. not the lead member) must have the ability to carry out at least 10 % of the contract works by his own means, as defined in sub-clause 4 of the instructions to tenderers.
5. The joint venture/consortium must have completed at least 3 projects (each project of minimum EUR 5 000 000 value) or 1 project with a minimum EUR 15 000 000 value in the period of 15 months, comprising all necessary installation and civil works for the construction of a main sewerage network and the laying of water supply lines, construction of pumping stations, storm water outflows, rehabilitation of wells and holing-through rivers over the last 5 years (last 5 years shall be understood as the period: 1.1.2004 up to deadline for submission of tenders).
The tenderer will have to provide the contracting authority with copies of the respective certificates of final acceptance signed by the concerned supervisors/contracting authority of the projects stating that the works were implemented successfully and within the deadline. However, for projects completed in the last 12 months, a copy of the provisional acceptance certificate will be considered as sufficient.
Every tenderer will have to provide the contracting authority with a table enumerating all projects to be implemented within the next 15 months and to specify the value and duration of each of them.
6. Tenderer`s key personnel (contractor`s representative/project manager, 6 site managers (for each group of the works according to clause 6), at least 10 main foremen (for each team as civil works, micro-tunnelling, mechanical works, electrical works) and 1 quality control expert) must have at least 7 years of experience in relevant positions and in relevant works.
At least 1 surveying engineer who has at least 5 years of experience in mapping of sewer lines and preparing as-built drawings of sewer network and collector lines.
NB: The project will require 6 groups of works according to clause 6 and at least 10 teams to work in parallel in 2 shifts.
7. Tenderer`s key personnel (contractor`s representative/project manager, site manager for each group of the works, main foreman for each team, surveying engineer and quality control expert) must submit CVs and reference certificates with years of experience as required under point 6 above.

Award criteria:

Compliance with the administrative and technical criteria and the lowest price.


How to obtain the tender dossier:

The tender dossier is available from: Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284 (Business centre Almeria, building C), 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, upon payment of EUR 700 in favour of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia at the bank account in Privredna Banka Zagreb d.d.:

Giro account: 702000-132344-91
Purpose of payment: For tender dossier
or Croatian currency countervalue of the relevant amount due in euro in favour of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia, in accordance with provisions of the current Foreign Exchange Act of the Republic of Croatia, at the bank account in Croatian National Bank:
Žiro — račun: 1001005-1863000160
Model: 64
Poziv na broj: 9733 — 20157 — MB (uplatitelja)
Svrha: uplata za natječajnu dokumentaciju
The aforementioned payment excludes courier delivery.
The tender dossier is also available for inspection at the premises of the contracting authority, address as in point 5 above. Tenders must be submitted using the standard tender form included in the tender dossier, whose format and instructions must be strictly observed.

Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284 (Business centre Almeria, building C), 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, and/or (mentioning the publication reference shown in item 1), at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders given in item 19. The contracting authority must reply to all tenderers` questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications to the tender dossier will be published on the EuropeAid website at, and also on the contracting authority website at

Deadline for submission of tenders:

2.2.2009 (12:00), local time, at the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284 (Business centre Almeria, building C), 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, at the reception office.
Any tender received after this deadline will not be considered.

Tender opening session:

2.2.2009 (14:00), local time, at the premises of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Ulica grada Vukovara 284 (Business centre Almeria, building C), 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.

Language of the procedure:

All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.

Legal basis:

Council Regulation (EC) No 1267/1999 of 21.6.1999, as last amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 2112/2005 of 21.11.2005.


Kontaktní informace:
* Kontakt:
Pavel Talafús
odborný pracovník, specialista CzechTrade

Tel.: +420224907543
Fax: +420224913813
GSM: +420724024498
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