How London is aiming to become the world best big city for cycling | Will Norman

31. prosinece 2018 14:01


I reject the suggestion that the capital's action plan contains nothing newTwo weeks ago, the mayor of London and I spent a morning cycling with the leader of Enfield council looking at their excellent new protected cycleways and secure bike parking hub at Edmonton Green station. Together we unveiled Transport for London's new cycling action plan, which aims to make London the world's best big city for cycling and to double the number of cycle journeys in five years.The launch follows the publication of this year's TfL business plan, in which Sadiq Khan demonstrated his continuing commitment to cycling by not only protecting the record level of funding for cycling, but increasing it from an average of ?169m to ?214m a year. This commitment is despite central government's complete withdrawal of the ?700m annual operating grant, which has left TfL in a tough financial position, compounded by the delay and increased cost of Crossrail. Continue reading...


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