Cop26: what would success look like for a country vanishing under water?

29. října 2021 4:15


On the eve of Cop26, Mohamed Nasheed, the former president of the Maldives, argues that if countries do not get serious about reducing emissions, it will not be just the Maldives that faces a perilous futureThis weekend, world leaders and other delegates will begin assembling in Glasgow for the Cop26 climate summit that will run for two weeks. Representatives from 196 countries will meet to hammer out what is hoped will be an ambitious set of pledges to keep alive the mission to limit global heating to 1.5C above industrial levels. The consequences of failure are stark - not least for those countries nearest to breaking point.The former president of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed tells Michael Safi that time is running out fast. About 80% of his country's 1,190 islands is barely a metre above sea level, with 90% of the islands reporting some degree of flooding. Unless the world acts decisively, the Maldives faces an existential threat by the end of the century. Continue reading...


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