We're going to need a bigger planet: the problem with fixing the climate with trees

13. listopadu 2021 7:15


Planting trees to offset carbon emissions sounds great, but where are we going to put them all? As the United Nations Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow winds down, many world leaders and corporate boards are embracing an increasingly popular idea to solve climate change: trees.The United Arab Emirates - one of the biggest oil producers in the world - promised to plant 100m mangroves by 2030. India said it aims to plant enough trees to cover a third of its land area with forests. Earlier this month the Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, announced a $1bn fund towards planting trees, "revitalizing" grasslands in Africa and restoring landscapes across the US. And at the start of the conference, more than 100 countries pledged to halt and reverse deforestation by 2030. "These great teeming ecosystems - these cathedrals of nature - are the lungs of our planet," Boris Johnson said, exalting the effort. Continue reading...


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