Indigenous peoples had a clear vision for Cop26, but it has not been delivered | Victoria Tauli-Corpuz

15. listopadu 2021 15:00


World leaders recognise the importance of indigenous rights, but still haven't committed enough to supporting our fight Indigenous peoples came to Cop26 in Glasgow with clear goals that we wanted to see reflected in the final results. Now it is over, we don't see the path forward we were hoping for. There is still too much wrangling between the developed and the developing countries, with the developed nations blocking much-needed agreements on rights and funding. And overall progress towards implementing the commitments made in the Paris agreement is too slow.We wanted to ensure that the decisions included the need to respect human rights, including indigenous peoples' rights, in undertaking adaptation, mitigation, and loss and damage measures to deal with the immediate effects of the climate crisis. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz is the director of Tebtebba Foundation (Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy Research and Education) in the Philippines Continue reading...


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