In defence of Science Museum's sponsors | Letter

25. listopadu 2021 9:30


Bob Ward, an adviser on two of the museum's energy exhibitions, responds to a campaign letter expressing concern over its fossil fuel tiesAs an independent and unpaid adviser on two of the Science Museum's energy exhibitions, I was disappointed to see your report about the campaign letter against it (Dozens of academics shun Science Museum over fossil fuel ties, 19 November), which risks delaying the rollout of clean energy. The well-meaning signatories state that they are severing links with the museum until each sponsor from the energy industry "demonstrates a credible plan to phasing out fossil fuels in line with the Paris 1.5C target".The museum's Our Future Planet exhibition has two major sponsors, Shell and UK Research and Innovation, the government funding body that has provided support for many of the signatories on the letter. Shell has set a target of cutting all sources of its emissions of greenhouse gases to net zero by 2050, like many countries that have pledged to keep in reach the 1.5°C target. The company undoubtedly needs to do much more, but its plan so far has persuaded ethical investors, such as the Church of England pensions board, to remain engaged. Cries of "greenwash" every time the company invests in the pursuit of, or information about, net zero are unlikely to accelerate its transition away from fossil fuels. Continue reading...


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