Here are some crucial issues we're covering in 2023 - with your help

28. listopadu 2022 21:00


The new editor of the Guardian US sets out some of our key priorities for 2023, including abortion rights, the climate crisis and investigations into the powers shaping American lifeThis Giving Tuesday, please consider a year-end gift to the Guardian to support our journalism in the coming yearOn election night this November, the Guardian's reporters fanned out across the country, keeping close watch on key races targeted by the election-denial movement instigated by Donald Trump. Candidates who embraced Trump's "big lie" about the 2020 election sought control over pivotal offices that would allow them to tip the balance toward Trump when he tries to reclaim the presidency in 2024.To the relief of our readers, as well as millions of Americans, their efforts failed spectacularly.Abortion rights. There are few areas where Trump's damaging legacy is more evident than reproductive rights. His appointments to the supreme court, made with the intention of ending the constitutional right to abortion, will profoundly affect the health and freedom of people in this country for years to come. We'll be reporting on the human impact of abortion bans - and the inspiring movement that is fighting back. The climate crisis. Despite the Biden administration's landmark law to decarbonize the US economy, fossil fuel emissions continue to rise, and Republican control of the House of Representatives will bring with it aggressive attempts to roll back progress. We'll be closely tracking the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, including efforts by the fossil fuel industry and the right wing to stymie change. We will also double down on our groundbreaking environmental justice coverage, exposing how communities that lack racial and economic privilege bear the brunt of government and corporate negligence. Investigations. In 2023, we'll be digging deeper into the powers secretly shaping the contours of American life. We know a lot, for example, about the toxins tainting our food and water - but it takes a different kind of reporting to pin down the corporate actors responsible for spreading them, and the government regulators who have failed to protect the public. From police unions to gun manufacturers to crypto titans to rightwing pressure groups, we will reveal the influential networks whose machinations lie at the root of the crises we report on every day, whether it's racism in the criminal justice system or skyrocketing economic inequality. Continue reading...


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