'My life is being endangered': the growing struggle against fishing bans

10. prosinece 2022 9:30


Conservationists want 30% of the ocean protected, but small-scale fishers and Indigenous people say a blanket ban punishes them for a crisis they didn't create while commercial vessels can still trawl with impunityIt is one of South Africa's largest nature reserves, where hippos, elephants and endangered black rhinos live among wetlands, savannah and lakes. But iSimangaliso wetland park, a Unesco world heritage site favoured by wealthy eco-tourists for its biodiversity, is also the site of an increasingly deadly battle, between the people who live there and the conservationists ostensibly tasked with protecting it.The rural Nibela community in KwaZulu-Natal province, one of the country's poorest regions, have fished in Lake St Lucia for generations. It is their traditional land, but it is also a marine protected area (MPA), with regulations that restrict gillnet fishing and access to the lake. The park authorities generate income via tourists, who can pay 2,000 rand (about ?100) for a deep-sea fishing trip. But the local fishers - who gain little or no benefit from the park and are not allowed fishing permits - say they are labelled poachers by armed park rangers who patrol the lake. Continue reading...


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