World behind on almost every policy required to cut carbon emissions, research finds

14. listopadu 2023 10:00


Coal must be phased out seven times faster and deforestation reduced four times faster to avoid worst impacts of climate breakdown, says reportCoal must be phased out seven times faster than is now happening, deforestation must be reduced four times faster, and public transport around the world built out six times faster than at present, if the world is to avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown, new research has found.Countries are falling behind on almost every policy required to cut greenhouse gas emissions, despite progress on renewable energy and the uptake of electric vehicles.Retire about 240 average-sized coal-fired power plants a year, every year between now and 2030.Construct the equivalent of three New Yorks' worth of public transport systems in cities around the world each year this decade.Halt deforestation, which is happening to an area the size of 15 football pitches every minute, this decade.Increase the rate of growth of solar and wind power from its current high of 14% a year to 24% a year.Cut meat consumption from ruminants such as cows and sheep to about two servings a week in the US, Europe and other high-consuming countries by 2030. Continue reading...


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