Babies in the global south are being poisoned by plastic from the north. Yet they are missing from the data | Aidan Charron

30. listopadu 2023 7:30


We are belatedly waking up to the many health risks of microplastics. Yet too little research focuses on the most exposed demographic of allFor the last 70 years, we have all been lab rats in the biggest health experiment of human history, one that none of us signed up for, least of all our children.In the run-up to attending the global plastic treaty negotiations in Nairobi, I was feeling frustrated about the coverage of microplastics and their impact on human health, so I wrote a report, Babies v Plastics. I wanted to emphasise that these tiny, insidious fragments of plastic are associated with not just one health risk, but with an entire range of health issues, from elevated miscarriage rates to early puberty. Continue reading...


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