Surfing was my life - then Britain's filthy water left me with an incurable illness | Reuben Santer

30. listopadu 2023 9:30


The disease left me debilitated and jobless. What will it take for the water companies to clean up their act?Surfing was my life. In 2022, I even moved to Devon to work as a teacher so that I could be closer to the waves. As a surfer, I've always had a respect for the sea and the power of the tides. But I never realised that it was perhaps the quality of the water that was the biggest risk to my health.At work one day, I suddenly experienced deafening tinnitus in my left ear. At an emergency doctor's appointment I was told I had an ear infection and was given antibiotics. The doctor said the likely cause was exposure to sewage in the sea. I was eager to surf again, but I waited the recommended month before getting back in at Saunton Sands beach in north Devon. Perhaps naively, I forgot to check the sewage warnings and only noticed afterwards that there had been a sewage alert in place.Reuben Santer is a surfer based in Devon Continue reading...


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