'From horrible to merely bad': will Javier Milei take his chainsaw to the environment in Argentina?

9. prosinece 2023 13:31


As the new far-right president is sworn in, the world is watching to see if his destructive campaign promises can survive the realities of officeWith days to go until the inauguration of Argentina's new president, Javier Milei, the current minister for the environment and sustainable development, Juan Cabandié, who will be leaving the government alongside the current president, Alberto Fernández, is still waiting for a call from the president-elect's team to organise the transfer of power. "We still haven't received any contact about how the transition will take place," Cabandié tells the Guardian.The reason is simple: environment is one of the ministries that will cease to exist with the inauguration on 10 December since the newly elected far-right president has promised to reduce his ministerial cabinet from 18 to eight portfolios - eliminating those that "are not a priority". Continue reading...


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