Investigation into logging on Kangaroo Island under way after release of 'horrific images' of dead koalas

7. března 2024 9:33


Logging stopped as Australian Agribusiness Group says its teams have resolved to increase efforts 'on the protection of the local animal population' and that they 'are operating well beyond what is considered best practice for wildlife management'WARNING: contains images some viewers may find distressingFollow our Australia news live blog for latest updatesGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastGovernment and RSPCA inspectors are investigating the logging of blue gum plantations on Kangaroo Island after the release of what the South Australian deputy premier described as "horrific" images of koalas allegedly being killed and injured.Logging has been stopped while the investigation takes place.. It follows Guardian Australia publishing photos of seriously injured and dead koalas, and the Seven Network airing footage of koalas clinging to and being thrown from falling blue gums.Sign up for Guardian Australia's free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup Continue reading...


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