'A glittering new world of intrigue': the rich stories Britain's insects have to tell

13. dubna 2024 14:03


The fascinating, strange and sometimes hilarious insect world awakens in spring outside our doorsCast your vote for the UK invertebrate of the year I never expected a later-life love affair. But a few years ago, I was commissioned to write a book on garden insects and the earth moved. All of a sudden, I realised that my garden wasn't just full of six-legged aliens, but characters, all with stories to tell, some of which were often bizarre and others hilarious. A few metres from my backdoor a glittering new world of intrigue opened up.Now that it is spring, this world is awakening and the stories are piling up and moving on fast. As I have become familiar with more insects, the joy of the encroaching season becomes richer still, and more entrancing. Already we have hummingbird tribute acts flying around the spring flowers, bee flies with their hovering flight and long beaks, as fluffy as a child's toy. Soon their larvae will hatch and grow into child-killers, brutalising the nests of solitary bees.A Year of Garden Bees and Bugs by Dominic Couzens and Gail Ashton is published by Batsford Continue reading...


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