England gets 27 new bathing sites - but no guarantee they'll be safe for swimming

13. května 2024 9:48


Water campaigner Feargal Sharkey says newly designated sites will join 'ignoble, floundering list of failure'Twenty-seven new bathing sites will be designated in England ahead of this summer's swimming season, the government has announced.Giving waterways bathing status means the Environment Agency has to test them for pollution during the summer months, putting pressure on water companies to stop dumping sewage in them.Church Cliff beach, Lyme Regis, DorsetCoastguards beach, River Erme, DevonConiston boating centre, Coniston Water, CumbriaConiston Brown Howe, Coniston Water, CumbriaDerwent Water at Crow Park, Keswick, CumbriaGoring beach, Worthing, West SussexLittlehaven beach, Tyne and WearManningtree beach, EssexMonk Coniston, Coniston Water, CumbriaRiver Avon at Fordingbridge, HampshireRiver Cam at Sheep's Green, Cambridge, CambridgeshireRiver Dart estuary at Dittisham, DevonRiver Dart estuary at Steamer Quay, Totnes, DevonRiver Dart estuary at Stoke Gabriel, DevonRiver Dart estuary at Warfleet, Dartmouth, DevonRiver Frome at Farleigh Hungerford, SomersetRiver Nidd at the Lido leisure park in Knaresborough, North YorkshireRiver Ribble at Edisford Bridge, LancashireRiver Severn at Ironbridge, ShropshireRiver Severn at Shrewsbury, ShropshireRiver Stour at Sudbury, SuffolkRiver Teme at Ludlow, ShropshireRiver Tone in French Weir Park, Taunton, SomersetRiver Wharfe at Wetherby Riverside, High St, Wetherby, West YorkshireRottingdean beach, Rottingdean, East SussexWallingford beach, River Thames, BerkshireWorthing Beach House, Worthing, West Sussex Continue reading...


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