The 1.5C global heating target was always a dream, but its demise doesn't signal doom for climate action | Bill McKibben

15. května 2024 15:03


Missing a target doesn't mean the sense of emergency should fade. What it must do is stop politicians dithering - and fastI remember the first time I heard the 1.5C target. It was in a room at the Copenhagen climate talks in 2009. With the expectation of a binding agreement slipping away and negotiations failing, some of us activists joined delegates from vulnerable African and island nations in chanting "1.5 to stay alive". It was a frank recognition that the 2C goal the climate diplomats were endlessly talking about - though not pursuing - was insufficient to deal with the increasingly clear realities of climate science.Since then, three things have happened.Bill McKibben is the founder of Third Act, which organizes people over 60 for action on climate and democracy Continue reading...


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