'I want people to wake up': Nemonte Nenquimo on growing up in the rainforest and her fight to save it

25. května 2024 11:03


The Indigenous campaigner won a historic legal victory to protect Waorani land in the Amazon rainforest. Now she has written a groundbreaking memoirWhen Nemonte Nenquimo was a young girl, experience began to reinforce what she had come to know intuitively: that her life, and those of the Waorani people of Ecuador's Amazon rainforest, were on a collision course with forces it would take all their strength and determination to resist. "Deep down, I understood there were two worlds," she remembers in We Will Not Be Saved, the book she has written with her husband and partner in activism Mitch Anderson. "One where there was our smoky, firelit oko, where my mouth turned manioc into honey, the parrots echoed 'Mengatowe', and my family called me Nemonte - my true name, meaning 'many stars'. And another world, where the white people watched us from the sky, the devil's heart was black, there was something named an 'oil company', and the evangelicals called me Ine?s."In 2015, Nenquimo, now 39, co-founded the Ceibo Alliance, a non-profit organisation in which she united with members of the A'i Cofán, Siekopai and Siona peoples of Ecuador, Peru and Colombia to fight for rights over their territories. Since then, she has won numerous awards for her activism, including the prestigious Goldman environmental prize; she was featured in Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world in 2020, and has been named a United Nations Champion of the Earth. Continue reading...


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